Hi all! Has anyone had a child (3.5 years if important) diagnosed with autism spectrum (former aspergers side if relevant) who had behaviors that regressed and/or got worse? I have drs sending me in a million directions and no one willing to help and some drs even contradicting their own info and prior suggestions and feel lost! What did you do and what helped? I didn’t think it was typical for autism to regress or get worse?!? Thanks!
Regression with autism spectrum disorder? - Asperger's Support
Regression with autism spectrum disorder?

There is some research that suggests a subset of children who experience regressive symptoms may possibly have an autoimmune anti-folate receptor antibody syndrome. For those children, limiting cow’s milk and avoiding products with added folate and instead adding a l-5 methylfolate vitamin or folinic acid (not folate) may be useful. Dr. Richard Frye, Dr. Dsai, Dr. Quadros are some of the bigger researchers in this area if you want to look up research articles. Of course, your own doctor is the most important first stop. Our son is a tween. We only learned of this a couple years ago. We’ve made some changes consistent with the above and have seen significant change, but each child is unique.
A sibling’s autistic child experienced a major setback years ago. He had been able to write his name, color, ambulate OK, etc. He even was successfully taking singing lessons from a music instructor who works with autistic children.
Then their son lost the ability to do the above. This doctor eventually put him on a very temporary around-the-clock Motrin schedule. To the great relief of his parents he was able to speak when they spoke to him once again.
After the Motrin trial ended he resumed his difficulty in all the areas I mentioned, but with a lot of work on the part of his parents he slowly improved over the years, & graduated last year from his (special needs) high school.
In addition to the above the child went through a long spell of throwing temper tantrums. This came to a end after his parents separated, which makes me think he had been upset by his parent’s unhappiness (I am sure that they would both disagree with this assessment however).
i'm 33 aspergers, i do regression from times to times : it is always
tied to traumatic events, psychologic or physical (like having the flu or whatever else) and it gets sometimes months to progress. I'm actually never going out of my house, i'm mutic, i just do what i like compulsively 24/24, i wouldnt eat if i was living alone, i dont shower, i'm feeling in a "big blank virgin space" and i cant find any road there but its okay i can just sit and do what i like