Can i stop xarelto medication while i am on my periods? I bleed non stop
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I don't think you're supposed to miss more than one day at a time. Worth talking to your doctor, though.
No you should not stop taking your medication. You should get advice from your GP. I had the same problem taking warfarin. Eventually I had a coil fitted and my bleeding was minimal after that.
No, you shouldn't stop taking it. Are you taking it for life or a few months? When you say non stop, what do you mean? 3days? 5?10?
Its a normal reaction to blood thinners.
Get more advice from yr gp/nurse. A coil may be helpful but otherwise it's a case of finding coping tips.
I had the same issue. I talked to dr about it. I would absolutely NOT stop taking it! Dr. told me menstrual blood is different than other bleeding. I also had massive clots during my period. I got a mirena IUD put in and that fixed the problem completely.
No keep taking them as normal. I had that happen and got given the mini pill which has been very helpful.
I know you received answers, but just in case someone reads this now, never stop taking blood thinners unless you are instructed by a doc. Stopping them can actually cause severe issues such as increased risk of clotting/PEs and strokes, brain clots,'s no joke and even missing 1-2 doses is a BIG deal and potentially life-threatening.