If you are one of the 1.2 million people across the UK taking warfarin on a long-term basis? How easy are you finding it to keep tabs on your dosage and your INR levels? Are you facing challenges - for example, in terms of frequency of hospital visits, getting guidance and advice, cost of prescriptions, access to self-monitoring, etc? Young people may find this particularly difficult, with all the other issues that they have to deal with: such as preparing for exams, developing relationships or peer pressure. How does being on warfarin affect you?
People who have recently started taking warfarin have many questions and face uncertainty. Could you help?
Help people by sharing your experiences - good and bad - of being on warfarin - your story could influence others.
Whether you have been taking warfarin for a long time, or have only just started, we would love to hear about your experiences, the challenges that you have faced and how you have dealt with them, so that we can help you to help others in your situation.
If you would be interested in sharing your story with us, we would be delighted to hear from you, on anticoagulation@ntlworld.com
We can use your story anonymously if you would prefer just tell us when you email us.