Does anyone still Apixaban every day even though they haven't had a bout of A F for nearly two years ?
Apixaban.: Does anyone still Apixaban... - Atrial Fibrillati...

not Apixaban, but I do still with Warfarin. my last known full blown AF event was about 4 years ago. But I'm asymptomatic.
A problem with going onto ACs too early is that I understand there is an added risk if you stop them. As a complete layman and without reliable unbiased research evidence it seems common sense to me that if your body is subject to interference it will either 1) switch off its own defences against clotting or 2) it will actually increase the risk of clotting by trying to reverse the effect of the drug.
So if you do come off ACs, I would research various lifestyle choices including taking supplements (eg Nattokinaise), more water and more frequent modest exercise to counter that risk for at least 3 months.
I do i take it more for precaution had PE & Afib,ablation done.Ive accepted it will be long term choice 🙂
I haven’t taken an anticoagulant for well over a year and am still here at 81! As I have written here before, the EP who first prescribed Flecainide for me as a PIP told me that I was not at risk of stroke unless episodes continued for a long time with a very high heart rate which my episodes never did. I was glad to stop as they all messed up my digestion. Of course, we are all different but you might well be similar.
I have my afib under control most ofvthe time, but even if I had no symptoms o would still take apixaban as a operation especially as I get older,it's better to be safe than sorry
With a family history of stroke with all my paternal lineage, I'll keep taking them, AF or not.
I had an ablation in Sept 2023 and was told I have to stay on Edoxaban for life.
afib is secretive or can be. Even though you may not feel any afib it can be hard to tell if it is still there. I was told once I started on apixaban i would always be on it
I take it every day without fail. The risk of another stroke is very real otherwise.
All the best.
I am 76 and take Eliquis twice a day. I have not had an Afib episode in a few years but the doctor wants me to stay on it. I also take Metoprolol. Does anyone have thoughts on switching to a generic vs Eliquis?
I have been taking Rivoraxaban since 2015 and still take it after an ablation in late 2018. It is plainly a precaution-or some might say an insurance.
Yes I still take it. I haven’t had an AFib episode for four years but I don’t want a stroke!
My understanding was that the apixaban was to prevent clotting not for af I was put on riveroxaban after having a dvt and both lungs full of clots after Covid in early 2020 before Covid was public knowledge. I then was put on edoxaban and was told I would be on it for life but just recently changed to apixaban .
Yes, for me it’s been just over 2 years. My AF was low rate and for very short periods. I’m only 58. I asked my cardiologist if I should stay on it and his response was yes, I should.
He believed that as I had no side affects from it and AF could come and go so he could not be 100% certain I wasn’t having any episodes, it was better to remain on it. It’s a risk equation like all things. Which carries more risk - being on it or not?