I was diagnosed with AFib in 2007. I had a heart valve repaired and recently acquired a blood pressure monitor with an arm cuff. My BP registered alarmingly high so I borrowed another personal monitor thinking that I had bought a duff monitor, the second one had a similar result. When I was attending my local clinic for a blood test I asked the nurse to check my BP, she did so and found it relatively normal for my age (84). I returned to the clinic at a later date with my personal monitor and the nurse took my BP with my personal monitor, 178/88. Then with the clinic’s manual monitor 142/78. Apparently the AFib’s irregular heart beat can mess up the circuitry of bog standard personal monitors and cause them to malfunction.
BP Monitors: I was diagnosed with AFib... - Atrial Fibrillati...
BP Monitors

Also some people get significantly higher bp readings on digital bp monitors vs the manual ones. That according to the nurse at my cardiac rehab clinic and I'm one of those.
I have no such problems with my monitor, an Omron Intelli - Sense Evolve. I'm 80, take my regular blood pressure medication comprising Felodopine 2.5 mg; and for what contribution it makes, Sotalol 40mg in morning and 40mg again in the evening. Average resting BP at home is around 132/78 with a HR of 74. Always around the same reading + or - , no sweat. I had been taking Ramipril 10mg over 12 years prior to July 2024 when my GP suggested to cease Ramipril due to cough problems, a known side effect of Ramipril.
I never take my BP monitor to my surgery - never. If they want a reading they can use their own BP monitor and if they do this my digital 'in surgery' reading is always higher 146/85 with HR around 74 ........ white coat syndrome !

This is well known and why we recommend those who find this are checked with the "old fashioned" pump and stethoscope.
The advice would appear to be - If you have Afib don’t purchase a personal monitor unless it has Afib specifications. I had a look online and some if them do so.
I use a bog standard Boots brand BP device and have done so for about 4 years. My BP and heart rate have been completely normal over that period and I've never seen a single reading that I thought was odd.
I've used a BP cuff monitor for some time now (as and when I think I should check) and feel it is reasonably reliable, at least for home use. However I am aware that when in AF the readings may be less reliable. The most consistent reading is the irregular heartbeat indicator of a wobbly heart, that little beggar is spot on. Even if I'm hoping I might have slipped into NSR, it puts me in my place and tells me I'm not out of the woods yet.
I have to say, that when I told my GP here in South Africa, that my sisters in the UK, routinely take their own BP with monitors bought from Amazon or similar and it is accepted as correct, she registered amazement, and still makes me see her every six months to check it and review my prescription.On my annual visit to the Cardiologist, he always takes it too. I have to use wrist devices, as I have thin arms and I struggle to get the upper arm cuff positioned properly over the artery. I have three wrist devices, all top makes,despite which, they are notoriously inaccurate, and they all register something different when used consecutively, so I just take an average !🙂
When I Had a bout of arrhythmia (Not AF) it was impossible to get a BP reading. Often I just got an error message; the rest were all over the place.
BRIEFLY, you need auscultatory monitor that listens to the heart , the Korotkoft sounds, for AF. Not standard ossilometric monitor. I use Veroval Duo, google it, available usual places, Perfect and accurate for my Permanent AF. Had same prob, no one tells you this stuff!
I bought a MICROLIFE BP from Chemist. It was $100ish. The chemist measured my arm.
We decided medium.
So it is important to get the right size and are able to pull it up 2" above the inside junction.
cheriJOY. 76. (NZ)