Yesterday I posted that I’m back in AF after 10 months, I’ve taken my meds as per Cardiologist advice and he’ll fit me in Wednesday. He said if the meds haven’t reverted me he’ll book in CV for Friday. I asked if it’s ok to do an indoor bike ride and he said just don’t go flat out. I didn’t go over 130HR during the 15 mins and for last 30 seconds I did an effort. I got off when I cooled and felt light headed for 5 minutes.. I felt my pulse and it was even, Is this possible…. I did an Apple ecg and it says sinus though the single lead doesn’t show much of a P wave. I’ve attached the ecg in case anyone has more experience than me looking at Apple traces. A nervous wait till I see him in 2 days
maybe sinus?: Yesterday I posted that I... - Atrial Fibrillati...
maybe sinus?

G'day OzJames,
I wanna send you a copy of my latest Kardia ECg - out of your interest and maybe reassurance.
So, how did you load it onto HU, this forum ?
I took a screen shot from my IPhone it then is auto saved as a photo then I edit trimmed off name and added it as a photo, You will see the photo icon below here to the right. Tap on it and your photos will come up, Appreciate it mate
Still workin' on it mate ............... always have problems with HU loadin' piccys. Damn thing keeps sending me off into a loop for vision impaired peeps. Useless.
It could be normal, but the P wave is on the weak side. How does it compare to your other EKGs where you're definitely in normal rhythm? In any event, I'm not sure I agree with your doctor letting you exercise at such a high heart rate so soon after a documented episode. Personally, I would take it very easy for a couple of weeks and up my daily Flec until things calmed down. Good luck.
Thanks Jim I did the 150mg PIP when Watch alerted me and then went to 50mg bd. I checked my old Sinus readings and the P wave is very weak as well. It might be that it’s just a one lead ecg. Pulse is even so hopefully it’s Sinus. I discussed with him about how exercise kicked me back into sinus each of the 6 times I went into AF between 1993 and 2022. I haven’t tried the self reverting since 2022 until yesterday. Agree, I’ll be taking it easy for a couple of weeks just as I have after previous CV’s. Heading to his offices tomorrow to do a proper ECG. I think I’ll invest in a kardia or wellue for reassurance.
The ECG is regular with tiny P waves suggesting NSR.
The best way to upload an Apple ECG is the way you did, emailing it as a PDF, then taking a screen shot of the PDF.
Thanks Steve I appreciate your thoughts. I’m hoping to go into Cardiology office this week and get someone to confirm that it is NSR. I emailed them Monday and secretary says the cardiologist has seen my email but she’s not heard back from him yet…. in any case I ordered a Wellue after seeing adverts pop up on my Facebook…. it’s eerie that ‘big brother’ picks up this online chat then sends me Cyber Monday deals on FB!
Did you get the Wellue with AI? I've found that superb with my recent issues! I've been wearing it on a chest strap for 8-10 hours a day to get a summary
and then after this page I get snippets of the ECG showing what it spotted
I didn’t see that one… I got the one that you hold and has a little LED screen. Can you let me know the model number or name please
Out of interest what are the HRV readings from your watch over the similar period?
I've asked the local NHS arrhythmia nurses about exercising (multiple times) when in AFib and every time they have said it's absolutely fine.
As soon as I finished the exercise and felt no odd best I checked my watch and HRV had dropped from over 200 to around 100 it then went gradually down to around 40 over the next hour. I have my watch set on AF alert rather than measuring AF burden. Apparently it only does one or the other. The exercise thing is something that had worked for me since 1993, I went for a short run with some little sprint bursts and went back into sinus. That worked for all 6 episodes during those years until 2022 when I didn’t try for 2 reasons, one was that I was 64 and knees were not good from football the other I was about to fly to Bali 2 days later so I went the drugs path. . I purchased an indoor bike this year and thought why not give that a go on Monday and it worked.
and HRV, the drop this past week is since I stopped bisoprolol which is interesting to me!