does anyone know what this means
ecg reading I have never seen big spa... - Atrial Fibrillati...
ecg reading I have never seen big spaces like this before any thing I need to worry about?

That's what afib can look like. Do show the strip to your cardiologist to confirm and for next steps.
I've seen this on my readings......guess its just the pauses between beats in AF. Are you being treated for AF at this rate or are you paroxysmal?
Those are pauses but difficult to tell how long they are. I would show them to someone as you haven’t seen them before.
you need a pace maker asap with such long pauses. Go to ER if needed ,
If - as I assume is the case - that’s a standard ECG strip then each bold bordered ‘box’ is 0.2 seconds, so your ‘pauses’ of circa 1.5 secs are fairly typical in AF at around 120BPM. As such, I wouldn't be concerned. But that said, Im not a medical doc so get a medical prof opinion ASAP to confirm.
This is a Kardiamobile reading isn't it? If you ask for an analysis on the App it will give you a graph of gaps between individual beats so you can see how long those pauses are. I do think you should let cardiology know as the gaps look longish and - as you've said - you haven't seen this pattern before. Anything different is worth asking about.
do you subscribe to kardia annual benefits (for a fee)?
if so, you can submit it for a report from a cardiologist. Otherwise, definitely send it to your doctor, best to be cautious.
Hopefully nothing to be concerned about.
Could it be Tachy/Brady Afib I have had similar readings without the afib.
A bumpy ride for you, I expect. I don't always get pauses but often enough. I think 3 seconds plus is where doctors start to worry about things like "heart block". Yours are half that and a normal part of AF, I would say. Here's a recent one of mine. Yours also shows some sinus rhythm with some beats and not others, very typical of AF.
The idea someone wrote on this thread that you need a PM is a rather strange thing to say. I did notice your R waves (the big peaks) are quite wide looking. Do your normal ECGs show the same at times? Mine often do and it is called a "wide QRS" - in my case from a "bundle block" (LBBB).
I can’t give you medical advice but unless you are subject to dizzy spells, faintness, falls or blackouts, I wouldn’t see a single R-R interval of 42 ms as significant.
Why did you record your ECG?
What is your dose of Bisoprolol?
Did you see an EP 7 years ago
Have you ruled out an intracardiac procedure
Could you afford a trip to Japan for an Ablation. Several here speak very highly of their experiences there.
In the meantime you should mail this strip to your EP or GP
The forum should never be regarded as a source of medical advice. That said, I can give you a very favourable discount on my latest brand of snake oil …..

I recorded to see what my heart rate was. T take 3.75 bisoprolol in the morning an 1.25 in the evening I saw an EP about a year ago and shave spoken to an arythmia nurse since. I am not very symptomatic. I have sent it to my GP
The Kardia gives a heart rate from a measurement between the short beats.
The rate is 120 bpm but the PAC's are followed by a compensatory pause of 7 blocks that equates to 42 bpm.
My PAC pauses are 10 blocks or 30 bpm. I have them every day for most of the day and this causes dizziness.
It looks like a pause of 1.4 seconds which is not considered a dangerous finding. Gaps of 3 seconds and above are taken seriously though see what your cardiologist has to say.
I can echo some of the comments here from my experience with beta blockers like bisoprolol, they can cause sinus pauses. However as mentioned cardio didn't get too excited in my case as long as it was under 3.5 & asymptomatic. Since this is new for you it's always smart to do what you did in reporting it to your doc. They may just watch it or adjust your dose.