I’m not good at this I tried to reply to a post and lost it lol. I asked about Nebivilol causing breathlessness and Bob gave an answer thank you. So if not my Nebivilol wonder what’s causing me to be so out of breath at times walking the dog and climbing the stairs? I also take Apixaban, Omeprazole and Atorvastatin, could it be any of these?
breathlessness : I’m not good at this I... - Atrial Fibrillati...

if you have AF is enough.
AF can cause us to feel drained if we exert ourselves too much when we are in AF, the erratic heart rate prevents enough oxygen getting to our body. Sadly that's one of the things we have to put up with.
Your previous post is still on here.
Breathlessness is my main symptom with AF. And my AF is far less severe than some I read about here. I just take anticoagulant and for a short time before my ablation I took digoxin (it helped with breathlessness because it makes the heart beat stronger) and amiodorone to see if it could improve my chances of a cv working, which it didn’t. I hated being breathless because I enjoy walking and felt restricted not being able to go up flights of stairs without puffing. That’s why I was offered an ablation and touch wood it seems to be working for now!
It could be fluid overload, have a word with your medic who can prescribe a diuretic which will help with this, if the body is overloaded it puts pressure on the heart and consequence is breathlessness and your heart having to work harder in order to circulate blood around the body.
No - it's none of the other drugs. You need to ask your GP to do a mini test in the surgery to show the breathlessness in action. It will, surely, be your AF, but your GP will know best. Have you had an echocardiogram to check your heart's function?
Good morning....I always think any new breathlessness is worth a visit to the doctor just to get checked. It could be, as others have suggested, medication causing it but it could also be a bit of fluid build up. It's at least worth a call or visit just to be on the side of caution xx
I changed from Bisoprolol to Nebivolol because of increased breathlessness. I'm still breathless but that is because oxygenated blood doesn't circulate round the body so effectively. I have found that deep intakes of breath through the nose before doing something more strenuous like climbing stairs can help enormously
I get breathless up inclines but it varies and sometimes I don’t. I am only on apaxiban so think it must be the AF
gosh why do you take 2 different statins??
Friends, remember, when you are in Afib, your heart does not pump the Blood streams the way it is supposed to do, with at least 20% loss, you must take into account that when you are in Synus, your pump should pump ALL the bloodstreams into our lounges, making sufficient Oxygen to breath normally.🤷🤷🤷
I'm the same as you. I've had loads of tests this year with no cause found. An echo sh owed heart itself to be fine; lung function tests were better than a 20 year old despite being 75 with 50 years smoking. I'm waiting and h oping for a cardiac CT to check for blockages. I know I had two partial blockages in the LAD. It could simply be your AF, especially if you have no obvious symptoms. It may be happening without you realising.
I get a lot of nasal congestion which doesn’t help, but my breathlessness does seem worse lately. The Dr didn’t want to change my Nebivilol dosage as my heart rate is already low. He gave me a nasal spray which hasn’t really helped. I feel so worn out lately. I’m 67 and never smoked.
Are you in AF constantly or only sometimes?
I have PAF
That answers your question I would think. If you are not in AF at the time you are feeling breathless then it could be the medication. I felt awful on Nebivolol. I take daily walks weather permitting and it felt like my heart was throttled down and was working harder than it needed to because the medication seemed to restrict my being able to raise my heart rate at a healthy level while walking. That is another plus to the Apple Watch, you can set your heart rate maximum for exercise.
Have you had an ECHO?
Heart structure like enlargement, rapid heart rate over 100 at rest, dilation of the left atrium can cause you to be breathless.
Moving forward can be getting BP and Heart Rate under control.
Losing weight another challenge but helps.
cheri JOy. 75. (NZ)
BB Nebivolol? could be causing your breathless. My Specialist from Metoprolol to Bisoprolol as it is less likely to cause breathlessness.
If you have a tendency to Asthma you may find most of the BBs interfere with breathing. I coudn't take Inhibrace an ACE Blocker.
cheri jOY
Shortness of breath is listed as one of the possible side effects of Nebivolol. It is possible that it is causing it. If you weren't having this before starting it, I would talk to your pharmacist and doctor to see if you can try something else. All medications react differently for each of us. If you were having this problem before starting it, then it is probably just your AF.
asthma or lung?
I have just stopped taking Omeprazole because I felt it was making me breathless.