Weight change with AF: Hello. I have... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Weight change with AF

gbn_ profile image
32 Replies

Hello. I have taken notice of a bit of a weight change for a while now, and was wondering if it's from having AF or possibly the medications for it. I've gained about an extra 5 to 7 pounds, I believe I read somewhere that weight gain could come possibly from beta blockers, which could slow down the metabolism, I'm still taking my water pill which is still doing a good job so I don't think it's that, eating has been the same. Any ideas?

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gbn_ profile image
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32 Replies
Jalia profile image

Very likely to be betablockers as they do slow down the metabolism. Bisoprolol is a big culprit. You may find that you just put on a few pounds but if you are actively trying to lose weight then these really do make it doubly difficult .

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to Jalia

Hi Jalia. Thanks much for the reply. I suspected Bisoprolol, so I guess it's true that it slows down the metabolism.

Silky57 profile image

Beta Blocker. To provide a little reassurance, mine levelled off at 6lb. But I haven’t been able to shift it.

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to Silky57

Hi Silky57. Thanks for the reassurance. Yes, it's between 5 to 7 lbs. Cheeks seem to be ever so slightly puffed also, but mostly the extra is sitting around the middle. I too have been trying to lose it, no luck yet.

opal11uk profile image

Same here, and yes I too think it is down to Bisoporal especially as my dosage has increased, also take Frusimide but it doesn't remove all fluid so fluid retention too.

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to opal11uk

Hi opal11uk. What is your Bisoprolol doseage, I am taking 5 mgs. a day. My Furosemide is 40 mgs. a day in the morning, taking Xarelto too, that's 20 mgs. a day.

opal11uk profile image
opal11uk in reply to gbn_

Propanofol 150mg twice a day, Bisoporal now 10mg daily, Furosemide 20 mg a day also in the morning plus Pradaxa twice daily. I also take a Statin once a day at night. I hate taking any of them but when I tried to wean myself off the heart meds I went into perm A/F and heart failure so the dose was increased, add to that surgery for a broken hip plus Covid which could also have contributed to the heart failure.

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to opal11uk

Hi opal11uk. I too have been told I have heart failure from the AF. My first symptom was swelling in my left leg and foot which seems to be better with Furosemide and support stockings which are really, really tough to get on and off.

opal11uk profile image
opal11uk in reply to gbn_

Mine all started when playing table tennis, my doubles partner, an 18 stone man, barged into me and sent me flying resulting in a broken hip! Hospital, surgery and Covid......seemed to recover well and then swollen legs, dizzy, breathlessness, cough followed, lots of tests for Asthma and so on, never once was my heart considered to be the problem even though I have had the condition over 20 years and wear a Pacemaker? After several months one of the nurse practitioners sent me for yet another chest Xray and it was noted that I was in Perm.A/F, heart a little larger than its normal size and I was in heart failure. Since then, drugs increased, water tablet and those blessed compression stockings, the bane of my life lol, but I have conquered the method of putting them on so not quite as bad however the whole exercise has left my legs in a poor state, bruises, thin skin and discolouration.......good job I don't wear mini skirts lol. I was mortified to be told I was in heart failure but know that with medication and monitoring I can still live to a good age.......I'm 80 in April so have had a good innings to date.......so the moral of my story is do not play table tennis with an 18 stone monster of a man lol

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to opal11uk

Hi opal11uk. That's quite the ordeal you went through. My legs seem to now suffer the same fate. I was going to the gym on a regular basis for years until covid struck, so I stopped going which after a while left me very deconditioned, lost a lot of muscle. When I tried to start doing exercises again after a very long while I developed AF.

opal11uk profile image
opal11uk in reply to gbn_

I am not very active now due to the hip and have slowed down because of the heart failure, and having worked 30 years in a sports centre know the value of exercise so I am going to ask my cardio specialist nurse, who stabilised my A/F last year, if and when I can do cardio rehab, this I mentioned at our last consultation. Cardio rehab is tailored to personal needs and is supervised exercise, it is important to move around as inactivity is not good for us, so maybe a question for you to ask too. The important thing here is not to overdue anything, everything in moderation, knowing our boundaries etc., it is also a safe environment as all staff are fully trained in first aid and their particular field of expertise, plus there is a doctor referral system in place too. Our sedentary lifestyle does not do us any favours.

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to opal11uk

Opal11uk, very true indeed. I was an aging body builder, have been going to gyms for years, I contracted covid twice, attributed to the last gym I was at. My symptoms weren't bad at all, seemed like any other type cold virus, but my daughter was afraid of me stopping over afterwards to see the grand children, for fear of me getting them sick. So, with that, I totally stopped going, not the best idea because I stopped practically everything. I bought some light weight dumb bells to work out with at home, but it just wasn't the same. It wasn't untill much, much later that I decided to start walking again after a very long lapse. That's when I started noticing slightly being short of breath and swelling of my leg and foot. I attributed it to being out of shape, but in reality I should have had it checked out right from the start. So 5 months went by without it getting any better, but not any worse either, so that's when I decided to get it checked out to see just what was going on. Needless to say, I sure never suspected it to be AF, especially with heart failure too!!

opal11uk profile image
opal11uk in reply to gbn_

I totally understand, it comes as quite a shock and leaves you somewhere in no mans land, however see if the experts feel that you are fit enough to do cardio rehab, this will help you with gradually getting back into some kind of fitness plus you will be able to socialise again with like minded people, it will also give you something to look forward to, to socialise and feel part of society again. One of the major causes of decline in oldies is lack of socialisation so we must make sure we don't get left behind and forgotten lol. Remember, one day at a time, build up to some measure of fitness and well being but look after yourself. As for Covid, well I went into hospital with the broken hip only to be told I also had Covid, great for me at the time as I got a private room hehehe.

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to opal11uk

opal11uk, those words are comforting, the last doctor visit I had, he said I could do whatever I wanted, but to take it easy, and to stay far away from caffeine energy drinks (something I used to rely on heavily for my long workouts). He said I could still have my morning coffee though. I took many natural supplements also but with this, many were discarded. My biggest challenge will be with returning to the gym and having to supress the urge to go all out, but with these medications I know my tolerence will be greatly limited. It's going to be tough seeing all my old gym buddies working out to the max, and not me.

opal11uk profile image
opal11uk in reply to gbn_

Yes, thats the trouble, overdoing it so thats why I suggested cardio rehab because it will ease you in gently and you will know your limitations under the guidance and watchful eye of professionals. As for your gym buddies they will know that there for the grace of God etc.etc. lol

Crumbling profile image

Same here I think it’s the Bisoprolol, I’ve been on them now for almost six months and it has levelled out, but I’m now about 5/6lb heavier. I’m hoping that as the weather improves and I can get out walking I can shed a few pounds but I think it’s going to be a long hard slog unfortunately. It’s either that or buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes 😊

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to Crumbling

Hi Crumbling. Yes, my increased weight is almost like yours, hope it just stays there and not any more. Never thought a tiny 5 mg. pill would do this.

Wilky57 profile image

Hi gbn,

I am new to the forum and new to AFib as I had my first episode 3 weeks ago. I have been putting on weight daily and it really upsets me as I have been trying hard to lose weight . My doctor changed my medication from Bisoprolol to Carvedilol. I’ve only been on them a few days but, despite really sticking to a diet I am still 7lbs heavier than I was before my episode. It really bothers me and, also, my heart wouldn’t have to work so hard if I lost weight. Good luck with it all.

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to Wilky57

Hi Wilky, I read your other reply and I wonder whether some of that weight might be fluid. If you have swollen legs, tummy or breathlessness you should contact your GP or 111.

Wilky57 profile image
Wilky57 in reply to Buffafly

Thank you for your help. I don’t have any swelling so all should be good. Hopefully it’s just my body getting used to the tablets. I’ll keep trying to lose weight to make myself healthier. I am very overweight at the moment and that won’t help me at all

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to Wilky57

Hi Wilky57. Thank you for your reply. Is the Carvedilol working better for you instead of Bisoprolol? Are you taking any other meds? I really don't over eat and stick to mainly vegetables so I think it might be that the meds affect the metabolism in a certain way.

Wilky57 profile image
Wilky57 in reply to gbn_

Yes it is working better thanks. I don’t feel ill all the time although I still struggle for breath at times and my feet are like ice cubes. I seem to have continuous AFib at the moment, which I don’t understand. I would have hoped the Carvedilol would have helped there. Hopefully I’ll get some answers when I see a specialist. Thanks for your reply.

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to Wilky57

Wilky57, I too suffer with those same symptoms also, I have another doctor appointment in about 3 weeks, if anything changes, I'll post.

BeeBee79 profile image

I’ve put about 2 stone on since beginning AF meds 😭😭

Wilky57 profile image
Wilky57 in reply to BeeBee79

Oh no! That is awful to hear. It really worries me that I will put on even more weight. I know I should have done something about it years ago but I didn’t. It’s so blooming hard, isn’t it?

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to BeeBee79

Hi BeeBee79. What type of Meds are you on?

BeeBee79 profile image

I’m on Amiodarone, blood thinners and beta blockers

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to BeeBee79

BeeBee79, I'm going to cut back even further with my carb intake, even though it's mostly whole grains. Also watching everything with any added sugars. Hopefully this will help with reducing the extra weight I put on, along with going for more walks.

BeeBee79 profile image
BeeBee79 in reply to gbn_

That's me - I've eaten low carb for years. It's the best way but not helping me burn fat anymore. I've also been fasting which has helped a little but have to resit the urge to eat everything in sight. Up your eggs in-take too :)

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to BeeBee79

BeeBee, fasting is tough, something I tried but just couldn't keep up with it. The fat-burner supplements I used to take helped me along with my heavy workouts I used to do at the gym, this AF has put an end to this though. I'm even afraid to take some of the non-stim supplements. I eat an egg every day. No doubt about it, with this AF condition along with the meds this takes you away from normally doing things in the past that seemed to work.

BeeBee79 profile image
BeeBee79 in reply to gbn_

I agree. It’s so disheartening- as somebody who was always slim and maintained weight into my 39’s by running 5 days a week, seeing women older than me in their late 40’s, 50’s + looking so fit, just makes me want to cry.

Feel so resigned and old….

gbn_ profile image
gbn_ in reply to BeeBee79

BeeBee79, I'm sure many people with AF feel the same way, when I think of how fit I was, and honestly it wasn't that long ago, and the things I could do, well, a lot of it went "south", but not all. It's just another phase or chapter to go through and do the best we can with this particular condition. I believe one of the bigger problems with this is the different medications available that have side effects for some but not for others, it's frustrating for the trial and error in finding the right combination, lots of variables to have to deal with, and just as many doctors have just as many approaches in dealing with it. I try to read and study everything I can dealing with this, especially with the medications involved. I like to at least have some knowledge when I go to my doctor visits for me to agree, or, sometimes disagree. I'm always asking questions and at times I'll take notes with me. Sometimes I dwell that I actually set myself up for this over the years, as in, the years of exercise were good, but sometimes I may have over-did it too much, the healthy eating was good, but, I should have watched the sodium content more, the pre-workout drinks helped me greatly to have great workouts, but, I should have watched my caffeine intake more, etc, etc.

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