Hello. Had appointment with AF specialist yesterday at Berks Cardiology. Everything went well. He explained everything in detail of my options, and basically said it's my choice to do whatever I wanted. I told him I wanted to exercise again at the gym, he said I could do whatever I wanted to do, but to just take it easy with anything attempted and not to overdo things there if I go back. We talked for a good half hour. He said I could opt for an ablation or another cardioversion if I wanted, or just stay on my medications. So, for the time being, just staying on the meds and will see how things go with the gym. One of my meds was changed, we talked a bit about the Metoprolol concerns that I have with sleeping and anxiety, so he prescribed Bisoprolol for me to replace. He told me I could take my last dose of Metoprolol as usual the night before and then just start the Bisoprolol the next day. The Metoprolol I was taking was 75 mgs. twice a day. The new med Bisoprolol is just once a day in morning at 5 mg. Took the first dose just about an hour ago, feel just a bit dizzy, but so far nothing else as of yet. Seems you can take the Bisoprolol with or without food, doesn't seem to matter. He told me to also continue taking my Xeralto and Furosemide water pill as usual. Any feedback or other info greatly appreciated.
Updates on AF meds: Hello. Had... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Updates on AF meds

Have seen your posts before but did not realize you were taking Metoprolol .75mgs x2 daily. Seems to be max dosage which "may" cause insomnia.
Can you share and did you discuss with the doctor the need for Furosemide. That may also cause side effects.
As I recall, were not you just recently diagnosed with afib ? As your cardiologist states, the choice is yours but if just recently diagnosed now is the time to be aggressive in your therapy unless other factors prevent. But do research, consult with doctor, and make the choice.
Best to you using Bisoprolol.
Mav wrote
but if just recently diagnosed now is the time to be aggressive in your therapy unless other factors prevent. But do research, consult with doctor, and make the choice.
Hi mav7. Thanks for the reply. When I was in the hospital in early November, they were giving me 50 mgs. of Metoprolol, twice a day. Then after my first check-up out of the hospital with the cardiologist nurse, because my heart rate was elevated then, she upped the dose to 75 mgs. twice a day. I was concerned with that only because I was probably stressed just being there which probably caused the increased heart rate. Then on the 17th. of this month had another appointment with her, but she was out for the day, so I saw another cardio doc in her place, and he wanted to up the dose even more to 100 mgs. twice a day, and I gave a resounding NO! Then had another appointment with an AF specialist on this past Monday and he switched me to Bisoprolol. The Furosemide was prescribed because of the swelling in my ankles and legs when I was in the hospital due to, according to them, diastolic heart failure brought on by the AF.
Thx for the explanation.
The doctors are most familiar with your status. Again, best to you with Bisoprolol.
I hope your sleeping improves. It might take a while to see the effects as the Metoprolol might have caused bad sleeping habits which may endure a little while. Anyway, keep us posted on how you go. I might be following you when I see my cardiologist at the end of March. FWIW, I changed from Magnesium Aspartate to Magnesium Taurate about a month ago and it appears to have had a positive impact on my sleep. One night I slept for 5 1/2 hours before waking, instead of usual 4 to 4 1/2 hours. Can't remember the last time I slept that long without waking. Early days but I think it is a little easier to fall back to sleep too. Nothing lifechanging but it all helps.
Hi bean_counter27. Glad the Mag. Taurate is helping, I'm taking the Mag. Glycinate form but I have been researching the form that you have, it's good stuff. I will keep on posting especially if anything changes.
Can I ask where you are getting your Magnesium Taurate from? I had a repeat order through Amazon which they have just cancelled as they can't get it any more.
Hi bean_counter27. just an up-date here, it was a tough night last night, even with my magnesium glycinate and melatonin I still only got probably less than 4 hours sleep, after waking up and trying to just walk around a bit I just decided to stay up. Sometimes it gets that way even with the added supplements to help.
Still early days for you.
I think the magnesium taurate is helping but I can only make that observation after weeks of taking the mag taurate as I still have bad nights. It's not a "silver bullet" and changing from Metoprolol might be the same i.e. it might take time for the full effect on your sleeping being determined.
When I can't sleep (more than 30 mins trying to get back to sleep) I get up, make myself comfortable on the couch and watch TV. Nothing stimulating, just something to distract me from actively thinking about things, including thinking about needing to go back to sleep. Most times I fall back to sleep fairly quickly but occasionally I don't. Even though it doesn't work at times, on balance I'm confident it produces a better result for me than staying in bed.
Hi bean_counter27. Sorry for the late reply. I'm going to purchase some Mag Taurate and try it. I have also been searching on-line for info on sleep and found something interesting. Evidently, there is something called noradrenaline which we all have but it could be made too much for some, which has as it seems a direct cause with maybe some of these sleep issues, and I'm looking for a possible way to maybe get a better handle on trying to lower it. Do you have any any thoughts or possible info with this?? Seems as if this causes excess anxiety and all the other downsides for those of us that suffer with sleep issues. I'm thinking about starting another post with this as the subject. Anyone who has a knowledge of this please chime in!!!
75 mg twicw a day sounds on the higher side i was taking 12.5mg twice a day and just reduced to 10mg. The Bisoprolol dose your taking is equal to 50mg of Metropolol based on what i was told you just multiply by 10
Re 'sleeping & anxiety concerns':
After a number of years of poor sleep & raised anxiety levels (these two may be connected 🤔) I am now into my second month of taking Ancient Minerals magnesium & melatonin cream to rub into the skin - early days but I am excited by the sleep improvement. My GP (I'm in the UK) has also prescribed Melatonin tablets but I haven't started these in case they are too strong and have other side effects, which I haven't researched fully yet. Maybe start them in the future but at present don't want to loose the current improvement.
Hi secondtry. The cream gets absorbed right away and into the bloodstream quicker without taking a pill form which would have to be first broken down by the liver. What strength are the prescribed tablets? I take the fast-dissolve tabs under the tongue.
2mg prolonged release.
Hi secondtry, I am taking 2.5 mg. fast dissolve with added b-6, sometimes I'll take 2 of them.
Noted. Can I ask how long you have been taking them and are there any known side effects?
Hi secondtry. The brand I'm taking currently is by Source Naturals, I've been taking them for the past few years now. There are a few different strength's to choose from, I chose the 2.5 mg. because of the extra b-6 in it. The only side effect that I notice is the usual slower wakening when getting up, especially if I take more than 1 before bed, they work pretty quick for me, under the tongue.
Thanks gbn. Good to know. I have also noticed the slower wakening, which is pleasurable! I have a meeting with my Naturopath today so will run it past him and report back if anything new comes up.
It takes bisoprolol about an hour to work fully, I was told, and a few days to reach a steady state in the bloodstream, but once a day dosing (with or without food and at any time of day) is much easier, I find. It works very similarly to metoprolol, I gather.
You might find that you do not need 5mg daily. I take 1.25mg, for example, and it seems to be working well keeping AF at bay. It does reduce my pulse to 50bpm out less in the evenings when resting. I use my Apple Watch to track my heartbeat and discuss this with my GP. He has told me now to double my dose if I get AF and racing, whereas, initially, I was told to go up to 5mg. It's clearly a potent beta-blocker.
I agree, bisoprolol is more potent than you might expect, 1.25mg, the minimum dose dropped my resting heart rate from mid 50s to low 40s and about the same percentage off active heart rate. After I adjusted to taking it all my episodes of PAF came early hours of the morning about 20 hours after taking. When my dose was to be changed to 2.5mg, I asked could I split it and took 1.25 morning and evening. This made negligible difference to my heart rate or the number of episodes but had less episodes at night. I believe it was wearing off as I am on the larger size but that’s just my opinion.
hi. I’ve carried on with my activities. Walking netball ( fast pace) badminton, pickle ball twice a week. Just be careful not to let you HR go above 140. I have an Apple Watch and have to keep checking. The time it went to 164 during netball it kicked of an episode of AF so now I slow down when it gets to near 140. I take the Bisoprolol in the evening 1.25mg but told I can use it as a pill in the pocket so if my AF starts I’ll pop a pill
I was told the same to take it as needed by my GP but the specialist I later saw said it wasn’t useful as a PIP as it took too long to work and my AF was often over by then anyway. Still, I do take an extra dose if I feel rough (which I guess is likely from anxiety).
They seem to be pushing ablation.... I've read some disappointing reviews about the succesd
My GP always says take Bisoprolol at night to avoid dizziness. I was told re exercise that strenuous exercise would not help AF and may be a trigger for other episodes, however we all react differently and you may have try and see.
Good. Get rid of Metoprolol. Bisoprolol has proven better for aFers my Cardiologist public said.
Until Metoprolol is rid from body and starting Bisoprolol so soon you may feel a little dizzy etc.
Research says Beta-Blocker at night is better to cover you over the early hours of morning when BP rises.
See how it goes.
cheri JOY. 75. (NZ) Back from holiday to see Great Grans, Grans and children and I got to see them all!