Last December my Kardia mobile saw AFIB when I was sitting on a plane coming back from Egypt. It is not the first time, in fact there have been dozens of times when I have seen it.
I went to the GP and he sent the kardia output to the cardiologist.
Several cardiologists disagreed about the kardia diagnosis, but nevertheless "they" wanted to put me on Warfarin. Warfarin because DOACs are incompatible with taking phenytoin which I do.
Some time later the cardiologists changed their mind and prescribed apixaban (a DOAC).
They initially prescribed Rivaroxaban but changed it to apixaban because after a month of 20mg rivaroxaban I was haveing severe gastric problems. The apixaban was supposed to be better on the digestion. It was not.
So I get 3 hours sleep.
Royal Brompton did a 7 day Holter which showed an average 16% burden of mostly SVEs. increasing to 40% for short intervals, but NO sign of AFIB. The cardiologist changed my meds slightly (from 2.5mg bisoprolol to nebivolol) and is repeating the holter. If it shows afib to be absent he will discontinue the apixaban in the hopes that this will fix my digestive problems and allow me to get a good nights sleep. Then he might contemplate an ablation if the ectopics are still troubling me.
My question is "has anyone else found the Kardia Mobile to diagnose AFIB when there is none present?"
I have to say that this cardiologist is not the first to make such a diagnosis. In fact he is the third in a year. Does this call into question the accuracy of a Kardia diagnosis?