has anyone had this ablation, Arrythmia nurse is going to discuss this for me with cardiologists in a few weeks, thinks this would be better for me, higher success rate, and I’m half way there as I already have a pacemaker. The only thing that puts me off is the fact that I will be totally reliant on the pacemaker! Thoughts please!
AV nodeablation!: has anyone had this... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AV nodeablation!

Lots of people benefit from PM and AV node ablation but it won't stop AF. It breaks the link between atrium and ventricle so the actual pumping rate is regular but the fibrillation can still happen in the left atrium and may be felt.
As far as being PM dependent The heart would not stop if the PM failed, just beat very slowly making doing anything very difficult.
Thanks Bob, I’m writing down a few questions in readiness if they agree to it, it apparently has a 98% success rate!
Hi Sue
I don’t have any experience of pacemakers and AV node ablations but think I can address your worry about being pacemaker dependent. The young neighbour of one of my friends developed 3rd degree heart block out of the blue, so her AV node was no longer passing electrical impulses to her ventricles . The hospital are going to give her a pacemaker urgently but urgent these days is a 6 week wait! She has two young children but is able to manage, albeit slowly and with lots of rest. Her average pulse is 38bpm. The ventricles have an escape rhythm, so, as Bob says and as this lady has proved, your heart will go on beating even in the highly unlikely event of the pacemaker going wrong.
I hope that’s of some help. TC
Thank you, yes I had complete heart block and CA that’s why the pacemaker, don’t know yet if cardiologists will agree!
Good grief, you have been through the mill, I’m sorry to hear that. I do hope the cardiologist agrees with the suggested treatment plan and things start improving for you.
All the best, TC
Hope you get some s as nswers and already one of the replies you have had is useful info for me too. X
I had a pacemaker fitted 2 years ago and 4 weeks later had AV node ablation I had persistent AF .I’ve not had any trouble at all and I can now walk about 10-15 miles a day .I don’t get breathless any more .my check ups have went well and I’m so happy I went down this route.I’m 66 now ….hope this helps
Hi Sue, I had a av node ablation in 2018, I didn’t have much choice i was very symptomatic with permanent AF, it was the right decision for me.
Good Luck.
hubby had one years ago - says he wished he’d had it sooner as he felt so much better. Since had battery change for pacemaker with no problems
Hi Sue I had this procedure just last year and has been a blessing to me. I had put it off for 5 years as like you did not like the idea of being dependant on a pacemaker but at 84 thought that time was running out! No drugs now except BP and AC and best of all no PAF and can Sleep! So glad I went ahead.
Hi Suesouth
I have a PM and had AV node ablation, I still feel the AF but my pulse stays at a steady rate so no risk of a stroke . I am on 5mg of Bisoprolol twice a day and apixaban ,I do get fatigued but I have other health issues that causes the fatigue
Hope all works out ok for you and you feel better soon..
pace and ablate was the best thing ever for my paf . Life is more or less normal now. I agree I too was worried about being totally dependent but I hardly think about it now. Had first one 8 years ago and box change last August. Hope all goes well for you
I had an av node ablation in 2019 for crippling bouts of AF which always sent me to hospital. But my heart did not like the pacemaker and within a few months I developed impaired LV heart function, went into permanent atrial flutter and had several episodes of the more serious VT.
This resulted in having an upgrade to a 3 lead CRT-D which helped the pumping action and provided me with an internal defibrillator should I need it. I was not told that any of this might happen, but really I didn't have a choice, I could not have continued with the type of AF I had.
It has been a difficult time, but I manage better now. Hopefully, you will not have any of these complications and will feel much better.
I got my pacer in 2012, av node ablation in 2018. I have both Afib and bradycardia. The meds to control heart rate were not tolerated so had the ablation. Feel much better without the meds. Doing well, try to walk 4 miles a day. Blessings with your decisions.
I didn't quite understand whether you still have FA after the implanted pacemaker. Do you use pills? Did the ablation work for you, do you have any problems afterwards?
I had pm fitted last September and av node ablated in December. Had AF for 8years the last 2 in permanent AF and very symptomatic. Like you, i found it a big decision but it was definitely right for me . So much better without all the meds, just take apixaban now. Good luck
I had both the pacemaker fitted and the AV node ablation done last year and it was the best thing that I had ever done. It took a while to recover but a year on I have never felt better. Good luck with your decision.
Thanks, it’s now in the hands of the cardiologists, they have to decide if it’s the best way forward!
What did you use earlier than therapy? I had an ablation 3 years ago due to atrial tachycardia, my heart rate was 230 per minute. That was resolved, but I still have SVES and VES, which are not dangerous. I drink bisoprolol and nothing helps me. I get it for a moment irregular rhythm, it is suffocating me and my heart starts skipping. Holter showed only SVES and VES (overall in 24 hours - 77 skips), which are not dangerous. But I feel bad and I feel as if my heart stops for a moment, takes a break and starts again and that lasts a few seconds. I don't know what to do anymore.
Good morning Suesouth, Have had AV node and Pacemaker 2021. Best decision I made
Dave J
After several years of AFib, I received a pacemaker in May 2022, my HR no longer dropped low, but my HR still raced.; In September 2022 I had the AV node ablation. I could feel a few flutters for two or three weeks, but that’s it. The surgery was a breeze and even though I’m told I still have episodes, I no longer feel them and I have more energy, Good Luck To You!