tingling /numbness in hands and feet ... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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tingling /numbness in hands and feet on 2.5 dose

Patsy_23 profile image
26 Replies

anyone else having this issue? It’s has only started in week 6 of starting on the Beta Blockers, on and off .it was quite scary when it happens! Never had this before the meds…

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Patsy_23 profile image
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26 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

Hi Patsy

What beta blocker are you taking?


Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to jeanjeannie50

hi I’m on Bisoprolol 2.5mg

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Patsy_23

Is that once daily or twice?

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to jeanjeannie50

hi Jean,

Well I saw the new cardio guy Fri and he has said his thoughts are that I have AF and not SVT, was shocked his colleague put me on 2.5mg and has reduced to 1.25, I already feel the elephant on my chest is easing!!

Self monitor until June 2nd then he will decide if he puts a micro chip in me for three years - all rather confusing!

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Patsy_23

That's interesting, it looks like you're being well looked after. Did you take 1.25mg of Bisoprolol once or twice a day?

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to jeanjeannie50

taking it once now, and the 2.5 was once also. The pins and needles are reducing also.

The concerning thing for me is that he disagreed with his colleagues diagnosis back in Jan and I have felt so poorly on the 2.5

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Patsy_23

I think drugs all affect us so differently, one mans meat is another mans poison as the saying goes. Some people are twice the size of others too, but that never seems to be taken into consideration when prescribing drugs.

Hope you start feeling a lot better now.

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to jeanjeannie50

thank you, yes I am fairly petite and the 2.5 knocked me sideways!!

Patsy_23 profile image

once, oddly I emailed my consultant as this started a couple of weeks in to starting but only in my hands when I woke up. His reply was ‘stop taking them if you can’t tolerate them ‘ which I find strange as I thought you couldn’t suddenly stop ! I’m seeing him Friday. The other horrid side effects (nausea, headache, extend fatigue) are less now, just this new tingling. Had a thorough MOT in A and E when I developed a rash also and only marker on my bloods was my heart..

Teresa156 profile image

Hi Patsy,

Firstly, with 2.5mg of Bisoprolol and the fact that you have been taking them for 6 weeks, you are most definitely right in the fact you shouldn’t suddenly stop taking them and unfortunately your GP is wrong to say that. If you do decide to change these or come off, you really need to taper off as slowly as you can and preferably over two or three weeks at least ( and get a pill cutter). Your heart will protest if you don’t and I talk from bitter experience. You may even find that 1.25mg is a sufficient dose for you, as 2.5 mg can still be a lot for some people. I take 1.25 as I found 2.5 to be far too much. My HR is exactly the same on the 1.25 as it was the 2.5…but you could discuss this with your GP.

As for the side effects, I too got a rash ( on my arms and fingers) around 6 weeks into taking Bisoprolol. I had tingling in my face and muscle twitching in my hands and feet too, which also subsided after a couple of months of taking it, but lowering the dose to 1.25 seems to have eliminated all that. I also had a bit of nausea and fatigue, that went too, but I didn’t get headaches. If they do persist, it really might be worth lowering the dose to see if it helps.

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to Teresa156

thank you so so much, I am defo not going to stop, how long did it take for the tingling to stop for you? My feet and hands feel ice cold.

the whole diagnosis has shocked me tbh. They diagnosed SVT from the Holter monitor I wore for two weeks, I had a funny turn shortly after a very close family death which they think may have triggered my SVT..

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Patsy_23

All the side effects you list except for the rash are common for Bisoprolol especially in women. I used to get a headache come on like clockwork 2 hours after taking the pill ( I don't get headaches usually) and generally felt like a zombie. Ditto for what Theresa said. Reduce dose slowly.

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to Auriculaire

thank you, my blood pressure keeps dipping quite low, then a few hours latter it’s normal! Did you experience that also? My blood pressure monitor is picking up the arythmia, some days only. Chest feels a little sore, but oxygen and bpm are fine

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Patsy_23

I have no idea as I never check my blood pressure. It is always ok when doctor checks it when I go for my prescription renewal appointment twice a year. With BisoprololI had a feeling of tightness in my chest, headache , asthma was worse and overwhelming fatigue . That was on 5mg . Even after halving it on GP's recommendation to 2.5 mg I still felt rubbish so halved it again off my own bat - I'm what they call a non compliant patient! This was after my first diagnosed episode of afib where I went to hospital in an ambulance and it was the hospital cardiologist who put me on 5 mg. When I got an appointment with my own cardiologist he said I could come off it after another two months. It was nearly 2 years before I had another episode. I don't see the point of living your life feeling bad every day because of a drug when episodes are so infrequent. Now I have more frequent episodes and I take a very low dose of Nebivolol which for me has less side effects. It's probably a waste of time as it doesn't stop the attacks . I take a much bigger dose as PIP to bring heart rate down when I get an episode.

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to Auriculaire

thank you that is helpful. I’m actually struggling to understand what I have (contradiction between GP, A and E and Cardio consultant!) SVT diagnosed from Holter Monitor, felt fine before an episode on Xmas Day that saw my heart go to 200. Very weird indeed. I have been referred to a different cardio guy to see this Friday (to discuss ablation). If that is what it needs I’m going for it as the meds are horrid!!

Teresa156 profile image

Hi Patsy,

The tingling in my hands and feet started around the 6 week mark for me I seem to remember and from memory ( as it was over a year ago) it lasted about 4-6 weeks? I put some cream on the rashes I had, but as bisop must have been causing them, the cream didn’t do a lot…they were a little itchy though and the cream relieved it.

If you have SVT, have they suggested a possible ablation, as they’re supposed to be very effective from what I’ve read?

My feet and hands weren’t cold though - you may find when the weather warms up this may help. If this continues, it’s definitely worth reducing the dose to see if it might help ( after discussing with GP of course).

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to Teresa156

yes I’m at the six weeks! My face rash was so bad it swelled to twice the size- they could not explain it but it vanished with a Piriton they gave me in A and E, the side effects do seem quite bizzare!

Seeing the cardio surgeon Fri to discuss ablation, will let you know 😀

Teresa156 profile image

The rash sounds like it was the bisop 😳 I now remember I also had one on my neck which went too….strange side effects for sure 😳 I get a lot of congestion in one nostril in particular strangely since Bisop though that’s never gone and it also gave me tinnitus, fortunately fairly mild, so I just put up with those afflictions.

Glad you’re discussing ablation for your SVT. Good luck with it all.

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to Teresa156

very interesting - I developed tinnitus in one ear also and very sinus symptoms- quite incredible that a pill like this has so much effect on one’s body!!

Teresa156 profile image

They are misleadingly powerful, even for a tiny pill 😳

rubyr61 profile image

try asking the doctor for a blood test for low magnesium that what coused my problem

Autumn_Leaves profile image

Sounds like you may be prone to Raynaud’s Syndrome. Have you ever experienced episodes of your fingers going numb and white for example in very cold weather? You should report this to your cardiologist/arrhythmia nurse/GP for further advice and take it from there. Nobody on here has your individual medical history, genetics, biology, metabolism, etc. It may well be the beta blockers but there may be something else going on entirely, so keep an eye on things anyway.

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to Autumn_Leaves

yes good idea, no not had these symptoms ever before the beta blockers

Autumn_Leaves profile image
Autumn_Leaves in reply to Patsy_23

Definitely seek advice. It does sound a bit like Raynaud’s symptoms which can happen with beta blockers, in which case you need to report this to whoever prescribed and take it from there.

Patsy_23 profile image
Patsy_23 in reply to Autumn_Leaves

yes seeing cardio guy tmrw, never ever had it prior to beta blockers…

Patsy_23 profile image

does anyone find that the Bisoprol side effects change over the weeks? I’m on week 8, flu symptoms last three weeks, nausea gone but my body hurts!

Cardio guy has also changed my dose to 1.25, the awful night sweats going but replaced by the achey muscles and so tired!

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