Had an 'interesting' experience yesterday. Guess it was something to do with the vagus nerve! When I had bad AF [pre ablation], I would get strong ectopics etc after my evening meal. Reducing size of meal helped during those difficult days. I now get atrial flutter if I get up too soon after eating a light lunch. Yesterday I popped into the kitchen mid lunch to grab a drink. Stupid, of course. The heart did a somersault, my head went round, [not unusual] but instead of recovering I slid to the floor in a half faint. I am ok now but know I have been working and stressing too much recently which may have contributed to the collapse. Not too worried, but just interested in the link between the digestion process, the heart and that old vagus nerve. Any interesting research anywhere?
Food and AF: Had an 'interesting... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Food and AF

Good afternoon Lizty, our sister charity STARS has some interesting information on syncope (fainting) and food. Low blood pressure can occur after meals when the circulation is needed to assist digestion, which can lead to a drop in blood pressure when standing up. There is further information in the info sheet here: api.heartrhythmalliance.org... (aimed at those with Vasovagal Syncope or PoTS) more information about syncope and the vagus nerve can be found here: api.heartrhythmalliance.org...

Thank you Katrina - this is most helpful as I find heat, heavy food (not what I cook for myself) and sitting for long periods give me presyncope
I think Dr. Sanjay Gupta of York Cardiology has done some video discussions on this. Maybe try York Cardiology or even YouTube.
There maybe stuff on the NICE website.

Thanks. I found the SJ video re links between heart, digestion and vagus nerve. That and the realisation today that my bp is currently on the low side.... has helped make sense of yesterday! Best to slow down for a few days now!
How have you found out it is atrial flutter, Lizty? I had this in 2019 and it wasn't too easy to diagnose. From what you describe, that sounds like what a friend gets on occasion - postural hypotension. He has ended up on the flor maybe 3-4 times to my knowledge because of it.
I asked my cardiologist about the vagal involvement since I feel sure my hiatus hernia is involved with my heart issues (this is completely different from "vagal AF", btw) and he was rather dismissive of what he called hyped up Internet claims for it, claiming that few actually have it and those that did had many and wide ranging symptoms on top of the heart effects, since the nerve is involved in many important body systems.
Hi Syteve... my ablation in 2016 was for 'EP diagnosed' atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. I had a double procedure. My EP explained that the first is an irregular beat and the second is really just a series of short fast beats... very similar to palpitations in my experience. However, like your friend, I have ended up on the floor/ground quite a few times when I have been pushing myself too hard or am very overtired. Either as a result of bp dropped very low, or a long gap between two heartbeats. I have learned not to get up too quickly after a meal, and never to stand upright for too long. [The latter lesson was learned after standing in a bookshop browsing more books than I could afford as a student!] The Sanjay Gupta video 'The heart, the stomach and the vagus nerve' does actually explain some of the issues we have been discussing. Worth watching in your case. Best however for your friend to get tracked to make sure it is not something more serious. I have two friends who actually required pacemakers as the gap between beats on occasions made them pass out completely. My experience this week was the strongest negative effect for a long time. Guess just got to go back to being careful!