2 years ago I was suddenly hit by atrial fibrillation. It knocked me sidewards with daily episodes lasting hours at a time which made normal life impossible . I though my life was over . I tried flecanide , bisprolol and lasted verapamil ...none helped much and caused bad side effects that affected my quality of life even more.
After 6 months I saw an EP privately who recommended an ablation and I said yes immediately . I'd become so depressed and was to frightened to venture further then the shops in fear of an af attack ....6 months later I had my ablation and although for the first 6 months I feared it had failed as the months passed I improved .
Today I have flown to the canary Island, something I thought I'd never do again , yes I've had a few ectopics along the journey but I'm here and feeling so proud of myself .
So to all of you on this site who feel that life is over , it isn't, things will improve and you will get your life back and you'll live it again
Suntan Ann 😎