How do people deal with constipation as a side effect ?
Flecanaide side effects: How do people... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Flecanaide side effects

I have been experiencing this too. I’ve taken less than the lowest dose of ‘Lactulose’ and that has helped. I don’t think it’s as much a fibre problem as I have quite a bit with fruit, veg and seeds etc.
Lots of water too.
water and magnesium citrate.
I’ve had terrible constipation since starting on Flecainide, spoke to my doctor and he has prescribed Cosmocol to try, they are sachets to mix with water. Brilliant, finding I only need to take one every third day and this seems to keep me fairly normal.
I haven't had this with Flecainide. Are you on Bisoprolol as well? If so, that's the more likely culprit. In any case, try the following: glass of warm water first thing in the morning, 2 is better. Or cold water if you're OK with that. Psyllium husks or powder added to your cereal or porride is also good. No more that 1/2 a teaspoon to begin with (do a bit of reading about it) and make sure you're drinking plenty of liquid when you have that meal as the powder or husks swell up. You could also try chia seeds which are full of omegas and high protein.
I am on bisoprolol. Maybe that is the problem . Beta blockers slow everything down !
Yes that's what I found. I'm not on them now -HURRAH- my Flecainide is partnered with Diltiazem. But they all have their downsides.
Half pint of prune juice and two pints water first thing in morning followed by HOT tea.
any constipation - stool softeners, blueberries . Prunes . LAXIDO non sugar orange powder - Herbal laxatives. If compacted poo, buy an anal Anal/Vaginal Enema Bulb Douche Colonic Irrigation Rectal Syringe Cleaner UK STK Off eBay. Warm water . No cheese bread carbs donuts .