Started new med today, bp usually up in the 130’s/140 ish/ 80/90 most days, pulse rate anywhere 78/80/90 Took one tablet first thing, got a corker of a headache and felt a bit dizzy. Took bp this evening and it’s 106/58 p65 …. Been sitting relaxing for about an hour. I think that’s good,l? but I will keep an eye on it to make sure doesn’t go too low as my body adjust over the next few days!
Nebivolol: Started new med today, bp... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Let me how you get on please. I was wondering whether to ask my cardiologist on the Friday of next week, if I could try Nebivol. Will wait to hear from you, hopefully before then.
I am changing to take it at tea time, as it appears to knock me out when take am…… am tired enough normally, but last two days I am far worse 🤣 x
Hi jeanjeannie50, my bp seems to have settled down and I am feeling ok with this med now, also I seem to be sleeping better through the night (fingers crossed it’s not a coincidence!) had a couple of very brief af blips - and I mean from 10-20 mins max, with hr not even getting to 100, just all over the place. But settled really quick without taking a verapamil (checked with pharmacist it’s ok to take while on this betablocker, she said it’s only an issue if prescribed bith to take daily) I also seem to have more energy - despite the heat x
That's good to hear that it appears to be suiting you. How lovely to be getting more restful nights. If you have a good nights sleep it gives you more energy for the day time.
I went to see my cardiologist last week and asked about Nebivolol and after looking at my ECG he said it wasn't for me. Don't know why that was, but he's set me a new regime with my pills that I'm working on.
That’s interesting, I wonder why? My gp thought a beta blocker was the right direction for me, but I had a bad time with bisoprolol and a couple of alternatives, and we decided between us to give this one a try. Hope your new regime turns out good for you. X
I'm in flutter and have other weird things going on too.
I do now get a funny flutter that stops within 10/15 mins, I am only diagnosed with af & high blood pressure (now controlled) hmmmmmm How would I know if I am in flutter? X

What dose are you on? I was started on 5mg which dropped HR to mid fifties at whch point I started getting presyncope. I now take 1/4 of a tablet daily pending having a pacemaker.
Hi Tilly, I had some serious headache action going on when I first started Bisoprolol. It cleared after about a week, fortunately. Hopefully yours will go soon as well. My blood pressure dropped quite dramatically, too. It wasn’t high to start with, like you, 130s /80s or so, now it’s regularly 100 - 110 / 60s. When I mentioned it to the cardiologist, as thought it was a bit low, he just said good!
I hope you soon adjust to your new med.
I have just started Bisopropol and the headache thing is a problem although getting less and less each day. My BP has dropped from 140ish/80 to 130/70 which I'm pretty pleased but resting HR is 40-50 which I think is too low. Lots to chat to with cardiologist when I eventually see him again
I had aches and pains, foggy head, exhaustion, plus if I tried to exercise, even going for a walk with the dig, it was almost impossible as the meds kept the heart controlled 🤣. Biso isn’t the only reason for these issues, but I certainly feel better off it! But I am aware both my bp and af management needed tweaking. Hopefully this will work. I have to be careful in case a medication includes potato starch for the ‘modified starch’ source in it’s non-active ingredients as I can’t tolerate any of the nightshade plant family in any form. Glad you settled down with bisoprolol x
Thanks Tilly, yes to the foggy thinking, lethargy and exercise intolerance. It’s got easier but not marvellous! I’ll be interested to know if things are better for you on the Nebivolol. Regarding your potato starch conundrum, I’ve recently swapped the brand of Bisoprolol I take to one that is lactose free, as I have a similar issue with lactose. It’s only a tiny dose I know but I believe it may be the source of an arthritis flare I have going on at the moment. Hoping so anyway!
Thank you. I came off bisoprolol over 18 months ago, hated it. X
Had an awful nights’s sleep but that could have been the rain on the roof ( or a silly new word game challenge I started yesterday…..’just one more’ 🤣) Took bp as soon as woke up. All I did was reach onto the floor to get the bp monitor, put cuff on and take bp. Two readings,139/71 p73 😪 Got up, pottered about letting animals out, loo, made coffee got back in bed, took it again, 130/70 …… Checked bp again once I was settled , was 127/ over something 🤷♀️ Any way, took tablet…… now it’s 117/70 p61. Can this medication work within 5 mins on an empty tummy or is there something else going on? Or am I thinking too much into it?
That's interesting as I didn't think betablockers reduced BP by much. Nebivolol is said to be very similar to others of its kind, such as bisoprolol. It sounds as if it will help you, which is good news. Take care when bending down and straightening up, I'd say. That's when I feel things most.
I will, thank you. This is prescribed for me for bp and rate management x
Seve Nebivolol is very cardiac specific so does not usually cause the same levels of fatigue say as bisoprolol.
That’s interesting. I was told that bisoprolol was also very highly cardio-specific, with little to choose in that respect.
My own doctor also told me that there was no reason to choose between either in terms of side effects and said that, overall, he preferred bisoprolol as it was metabolised more simply, but he then left it to me to choose. Needless to say, I followed his advice.
I did find this wonderful reviews of beta-blockers which gives all kinds of interesting information:
Bisoprolol has bad effects if one is asthmatic whereas nebivolol is usually OK and generally has less debilitating effects. It was my GP who originally told me, confirmed by my EP so maybe yours is not so well versed? It does seem that bisprolol is the fall back drug for any GP so guess this is what CCGs specify. I do seem to recall that I had to get my EP to tell her to prescribe nebivolol.
From personal experience I would concur with Bob. Far less fatigue on Nebivolol even when taking big dose for PIP when in afib. But it does not work fir me as well as Bisoprolol to reduce the heartrate.
It’s cardio-selectivity is said to said to be similar in that review, but if I were asthmatic, I’d be somewhat worried of that group of drugs in general. It was interesting to read of just how wide ranging the beta-blockers are in their action.
I did think of you and your comments on how women metabolise drugs differently sometimes. Nebivolol is very much metabolised very differently in different people, it seems.
I would agree with you on the asthma. It is better than Bisoprolol but I have played about with reducing my dose and that does improve my asthma. So I could not say that it had no effect on asthma. It does make it a bit worse but less than Bisoprolol. I don't get the headache I always got with Bisoprolol.
Thats good. I take nebivolol. I find 375mg works for me. I take it in the evening though as I thought I might then have more energy during the day. Seems good for me. I have af sick sinus and a pacemaker. I also take my rivaroxaban and magnesium in the evening. Thought less catastrophe can occur overnight so rivaroxaban would be safer then in case of accident.
3.75 😊
I've been taking nebivolol foe a few years now. My heart rate became too low. It fluctuated between 42bpm and 54 bpm and I just didn't 'feel right' at that and couldn't excersise properly so I began gradually reducing my intake (with Dr's approval). I now take 1.25 a day and my resting heart rate is usually around 60 now and I can get it up to 110bpm while riding my Peloton type 'bike.
I gauge my fitness level by seeing how long it takes for my HR to drop from 110 to 80 when I get off the 'bike
I have been on Nebivolol for several months now. I think I have been on most doses from 1.25 to 10 mg and now seem to be settled on 2.5 mg. It was prescribed by the GP on my local Community Cardiac Team and they discharged me some time ago. I had my annual review earlier this week so waiting to hear the results of that as to whether any changes to anything need to be made. I don’t think I have any side effects from the Nebivolol but I have various health issues and take a lot of meds so difficult to know!