What a disappointment. Previously, I mentioned that my doctor was taking me off Dofetilide. I stopped it 8 days ago and this morning discovered I was back in a-fib, after 7 months in sinus. I'm sure it's caused by the stress of the present snowstorm. The snowdrift is so high over my driveway, that if I fell in I wouldn't be found until spring! Waiting to hear back from my doctor if I should go back on the drug. Sorry, just needed to moan.
Back in a-fib.: What a disappointment... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Back in a-fib.

Moan away girl. We don't get that much snow here in Devon UK and maybe I'm a little jealous. I do remember the winter of 62/3 when I opened my door to find a four foot drift against it.
Stress is always bad for AF but life goes on. Try to relax. breath deeply and stay well hydrated.
Were you having any problems with the dofetilide? If not, and you recently stopped It, the literature seems to say it is safe to reinstate it without hospitalization. Talk to your EP, but that would be my recommendation ..Best, etheral
Always feel free to have a moan, we're good listeners on this forum. Are you back on your Dofetilide now- phew took ages trying to spell that right? What a nuisance for you.
Am envious of your snow, it's so beautiful. I have lots of food in my freezer. Probably wouldn't hope for it if I didn't. Are you able to send us a photo?
Hope you soon go back into normal sinus rhythm.
Thanks jeanjeannie50, always good to hear from you. No, I'm not back on Dofetilide as I'm waiting to hear back from my EP. My a-fib episode stopped, lasting 2 hrs. 20 minutes. I'm hoping he says it's a one-off.
I agree about the snow -- it's just beautiful right now and my backyard is a winter wonderland. But I worry about the animals, especially two feral cats I keep in heated houses behind my bushes. I feed birds and deer regularly. Oh, if only I wasn't so soft-hearted my life would be less stressful!
Try eliminating all stress from your life (if possible) that includes the minor items on your subconscious which are probably still relevant. I was very fortunate I was in a position to do this and because my AF is vagally mediated I believe it has helped to keep me AF free. Its a long term thing not just elimination but also involving relaxation techniques etc getting your Vagus Nerve operating as it should rather than stuck in 'alert' mode. Best wishes.
You're so right about being in the "alert" mode. Living alone, this recent snowstorm kept me in prison, in a way, as I was snowed in for two days before the plowman cleared my driveway. Free at last, I now feel mentally free as well. I've started back on meditation -- something I gave up in my busy life.
I'm sure it's the stress. Extreme weather and it's impact on us us scary. Severe flooding in the UK triggered my first AF. If you've been 7 months in sinus I'm sure your heart will prefer to go back to that. Keep warm, enjoy the view and be kind to yourself.
We just had a huge snow storm here in the states. I shoveled last 2 days and here my heart goes into a flutter /afib this am upon waking. I chilled out and 4 hours later was fine. Asked Doc about it today and he said the stress of shoveling and maybe dehydration as well got my heart pounding. Had ablation 3 months ago and have been fine until today. He said cold air and shoveling snow is a no-no for a fibbers. Stay well and dont stress the weather. Stay safe!
After my "episode," I shoveled too yesterday and felt a few heart blips during the evening while watching the Olympics. Fine today, thank goodness -- same as you. I agree with what your Doc told you, that cold air and shoveling is a no-no for a-fibbers like us. Thanks, and stay safe yourself!
Glad you and Safariran are both ok after your bouts of shoveling! Roll on spring! And no surprise spring snowstorms!! I remember a weird year that we had snow here in NY in mid-May. Ironically, we were in London at the time, where it was so beastly hot & sunny that we had to buy sunscreen! And some summer clothes. 😀
Snow in May -- oh dear. And imagine that, you in London at the time, having to use sunscreen. The weather certainly keeps us on our toes!