Morning all, I had what I felt was an extremely rushed telephone consultation yesterday where my consultant told me to stop the Rivaroxaban in 4 weeks, which will be 8 weeks post ablation, has anyone else been told to stop their medication after ablation, just a bit concerned as I’m still getting lots of etopics on a daily basis. Also can I just ask about heart rate, I was also told I could restart my exercise in 2 weeks, starting slowly but at the moment even a slow walk sees my heart rate shoot up over 100bpm, is this normal after ablation? I don’t know if I should be seeking further medical advice or if this is just normal from others experience?
Stopping Rivaroxaban after Ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...
Stopping Rivaroxaban after Ablation
If you haven’t already, read the factsheet (link below) and that explains a lot about recovering from an ablation.
Regarding taking an anticoagulant, that depends largely what your CHADsVASC score is. If it’s 1, you should consider taking an anticoagulant but if it’s more than one, you are advised to take them. I see you had it done at Barts and they have a good reputation but if I were you, I would be inclined to email your EP’s secretary and explain your concerns about coming off the anticoagulant……..
I did not have my review until 3 months after the Ablation and I stayed on the Rivaroxaban all that time. I would double check.
Hi foxy.
I had my ablation done at st barts also. 13 weeks ago now. I phoned them a week ago about a bleed on my eye and also blood in my nasal passage and they told me to come off the anti coags which I now have. Arrhythmia nurse also told me that I’ll be coming off the bisoprolol after my video appointment in 3 weeks 😬 would be looking forward to that if it wasn’t for my af attack 2 weeks ago which my heart still seems to be recovering from 😫 I’m going to suggest tapering off as I’m worried what might happen if I just go cold turkey, after reading some horror stories on here about people doing the same.
In terms of heart rate my base rate at the minute is between 66-72 resting. Does tend to fluctuate. I’ve been doing walks from 3-6 mile 4/5 times a week since roughly weekly 4 if I remember rightly. At first my heart rate was guaranteed to be over 100 on an easy walk. It’s now around 85/95 if easy and goes up to around 105/110 if I do a decent pace.
I was starting to feel pretty damn good 2/3 weeks ago until I overdid it and then the next day got stressed about something and went into AF. Absolutely gutted and like I say my heart feels like it’s still recovering.
Anyway as flap said coming off the anti coags all depends on your Chad Vasc score. I’m 35 and otherwise healthy with no co-morbidities so my chadvasc score is 0.
Good luck 👍
Hi thanks for the replies, I came off the Bisoprolol the day of my ablation as per the discharge discussion as it pushed my heart rate down to low. I was previously very active running, cycling and the cardiologist said I could build back up to this gradually in 2 weeks time but the high heart rate and breathlessness I’m getting from a slow walk makes this seem very unlikely?
I think I’ll have to contact the EP regarding the Rivaroxaban as I have high stroke factors in my family, my mum was also diagnosed with AFib and cardiomyopathy in her 50’s so seems a strong family link to heart issues.
I just feel I’m never going to get my life back which is pretty depressing really 😩