I went into persistent Afib the day after my first AZ Vax 31st Jan ,ok with second.On waiting list for cardioversion .Probably early to mid Dec. Going on holiday for a month and booster with Pfizer probably due a week before I go! Do I risk it & spoil my hubbies holiday or wait till I come back and ask AFib nurse if ok near my cardioversion.
Possible Af side effects from AZ Vax ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Possible Af side effects from AZ Vax do I risk Pfizer .Update! now 5 days after booster . Keeping fingers crossed.Holiday flying early Wedne

Do you mean you came out of AF and then ok with second jab? If so I would go ahead as Covid risk higher if you’re travelling. Just plan fir AF during holiday so husband carries on!!
No still in Persistent AF 8 months later.Really bad at first.Hr high & very dibilitating .More manageable after the first couple of months.persistently irregular but not high .2 Nd jab no additional symptoms at all.I am worried that a different jab might throw me back into chaotic high rate AF
My friend in England had the Pfizer after 2 jabs of AZ and has felt terrible for the last 2 weeks, where are you travelling to? Most of the EU are taking a lot more precautions than UK and in my mind are a lot safer, but as people have mentioned perhaps less safe in the UK airports and on the flight.
TRavelling to Portugal . Probably safer than the UK. I can cope with being ill if in uk as already in the system and good hospitals locally but important holiday for my hubby.He is in a sporting competition he doesn't want to miss. Just the flight that worries me. Use my pull along hand luggage as a spacer in airport. I am seriously thinking wait till I return but be cautious.THankyou for your feedback.
The booster works very well and especially if you have any "co-morbidities" that put you at risk from covid, it seems. If you don't, then being double jabbed seems to offer good protection from the severe form, but not from catching it. It's hard to know what is best. There must be a higher chance of catching it on a flight or in an airport.
Our friend had a week suffering a heavy cold from covid recently after two jabs and on one day was more poorly and that caused her to be very fearful but within another two days was back to normal with no further consequences.
Hi Steve, Still a dilemma we fly 27/10. Going by hubbies invite and our previous jabs it is likely to be less than a week before.
I have decided to postpone my vaccinations in case it puts me back into AF. In the meantime, I am very careful, very little socialising, LFT before meeting family and close friends. Watching developments closely to see if new vaccines with less heart issues become available.
I am not being complacent and have the alternatives ready for early treatment.......various vitamins/supplements and Ivermectin, an old tried and tested Nobel prize winning drug used successfully against Covid in 80 countries around the world now (e.g. Japan, USA, Mexico, India, Slovenia) with a much better record of minimal side effects.
It is great at last to have the choice of both vaccines and drugs that act as anti-virals available with more coming!
Can I ask how you managed to get the Ivermectin please? Thanks, Carole
Latest information in the UK bird-group.org/who-are-bird/ direct supply not yet available but I suspect it will be next year.
I might not be far enough along in my AF -- yet -- to offer useful feedback, but this was my experience with three shots of an mRNA vaccine:
I received two shots of the Moderna and only felt mildly sick the second time. But after my third shot, I felt significantly sicker and that lasted for about a week.
I'm not a senior but somehow managed to get my booster on the one day they were OK'd in the States before the CDC and the Biden administration decided more testing was needed.
I only mention my non-senior status in case that is a consideration.
Thanks for the reply .Not sure if non senior is relevant but in theory you should be fitter. Just not enough info out there at the moment.I think I will wait till I come back from hols.
I can tell you that I got my booster during the week of my birthday thinking the turnaround would be brief and it wasn't!
So perhaps waiting would be better given the short amount of time you'd have to get the second shot before traveling.
So how did it effect you
The third shot made me feel weak and tired, and I spent more time lying down than I'd have liked. It also made me sneeze and gave me a stuffy nose, chills and a slight fever. That wasn't the best birthday week I've ever experienced, but I was glad to have gotten the booster over with.
I also had a sore arm for far longer than I'd had with the other two shots. But that's probably down to the carelessness of the person who administered the dose.
But the main person I had to interact with was my life partner and she understood.
She's an artist and I'm a composer and writer when not working as an editor. Normally, she paints while I write music, and we were looking forward to spending my birthday week doing that. But I spent two of those days in bed and another just trying to sit upright. I was semi-OK after that, but not completely better.
shame but they understand. I hope you are feeling ok now apart from the AF. There is always next years birthday.
I definitely did feel better after that half-week and would recommend a booster to anyone who has factored it into their schedule. I haven't had issues with AF since my one trip to the hospital. I'm considering getting a Gamin Vivoactive 4 to tell me if my heartbeat falls outside normal limits, but I haven't seen any references to that smartwatch's efficacy on this site.
All I can add is that I've had two Pfizer jabs,no effects. I was not affected at all by both,yet my husband who has no af but diabetes had a bit of reaction in the first day of first jab. Headache ,shaky etc for 24 hours.Second no problem xx
Seems an impossible question as we all react differently. I have asymptomatic permanent AF. 1st AZ jab caused a niggling headache for which I took a total of 5 paracetamol tablets over 3 days. 2nd jab no side effects. I only go out for medical appointments. Food, etc is ordered online.I wouldn't think of going away on holiday,