I've been closely watching tv today and all that's unfolded at Karbul airport in Afghanistan regarding the two explosions. I've listened to many people give their opinions, including one army officer who spoke of the closeness between UK soldiers and the Afghans who translated, worked, slept, fought and ate alongside them as one team. They were all good mates and he cannot bear to think of them ever being abandoned to the mercy of the Taliban
It's made me realise what an ungrateful wretch I am not to have counted my blessings, before now, that I was born in a country where we can feel safe from terror. We live our cosseted lives totally unaware of how blessed we are compared to many in this troubled world.
Join with me in wishing the world a safe place for every human on this earth and send good vibes to those many people who are under threat of brutality and even death.
Count your blessings please everyone.
Jean x