Been offered ablation for pvcs - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Been offered ablation for pvcs

Dpc2019 profile image
30 Replies

Been offered ablation for pvcs, my burden us about 8% or so.. about 6000 a day or so but I feel them all, anyone had ablation done? Good feedback please

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Dpc2019 profile image
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30 Replies
rosyG profile image

Have you done all the lifestyle changes to reduce them?

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to rosyG

Do you have any lifestyle tips for me to reduce Rory, I've tried bisoprolol and didn't work very well, then put me on verapamil same thing not working great.. So said can try flecanide to see if its any good? Any tips?

BobD profile image

Not for ectopics. Very unusual.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to BobD

Yeah as my burden getting higher, cardiologist ssud the worry is pvc induced cardiomyapathy

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Dpc2019

Lifestyle changes are your best bet and in particular learn breath techniques. The heart is regulated by the vagus nerve, part of the Autonomic Nervous System and so healing the vagus nerve through breath is spectacular - but takes practice.

I would suggest reading James Nestor - Breath and looking at the Butekyo breathing practices of Patrick McKeown.

Dr Chatterjee has a podcast with James Nestor - so worth listening to

Other Lifestyle Factors to look into are:- Sleep, Nutrition and Exercise but the MOST important is to reverse the stress state your body is in which result in what James Nestor refers to as Irritable Heart.

I had a lot of Ectopics after my ablations for AF and found these exercises so helpful as they calmed my heart - but takes daily practice. I am now revisiting my breathing.

I would suggest start by reading Dr Chatterjee’s webpage and see just how much you can help yourself.

Best wishes CD

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to CDreamer

Thanks for this CDreamer do your still get ectopics now than very Mild I seem to get mine most after exercise now

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Padayn01

Only very occasionally, often when I’m fighting infection or I know I have abb can lot of inflammation in my body.?

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to CDreamer

Just out of interest what’s the best way to get rid of inflammation of the body an anti inflammatory diet?

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Padayn01

That’s what I stick to but there are many substances which are anti-inflammatory but first you need to eliminate anything that IS inflammatory and stress is the biggest component, followed by over exercise, infections, certain foods especially sugar and gluten for many, dairy for some and carbohydrates.

When I know I have inflammation I am very careful with my diet and take Resveratrol which is a supplement made from purple foods, mainly red grapes and beetroot. Other supplements such as Astragalus and Ashwagandha are also helpful but I tend to avoid the supplements based on Curcumin as they could enhance the affect of some medications including anticoagulants. Tumeric and ginger contain Curcumin and I think eaten in moderation as a food or tea they are fine. Pineapple is good as are all the Brassicas - lots of Broccoli and Sprouts!

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to CDreamer

That’s an interesting one over exercise causing inflammation

Padayn01 profile image
Padayn01 in reply to CDreamer

And how do you know you have inflammation is because your heart tells you?

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Padayn01

I just sense it in my body but I am very body aware - my finger joints will swell - arthritis, my gut protests, I will get muscle cramps.

Build up of lactic acid after exercise physical stress which is always going to induce inflammation.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to CDreamer

Many thanks CD your legendary

Dodie117 profile image
Dodie117 in reply to BobD

Bob, are ectopics the same as PVCs. I am also experiencing a lot of these over the last few months.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Dodie117

School time!

Ectopic merely means out of place. In a heart context what happens is that either the atrium or the ventricle contracts at the wrong time. This is a natural function of the healthy heart and quite benign.

If the venticle contracts before the atrium has done so and passed a parcel of blood down to it there is nothing for it to pump so you feel a "missed beat". This is a PVC or Premature ventricle contraction.

If the atrium contracts too soon and the ventricle is not ready for it the same thing results as a PAC (premature atrial contraction.)

The next normal set of contractions often are stronger which is the thump you feel.

Ectopic beats are not and cannot become AF but I know from personal experience that they can be annoying and disturbing. The slow deep breathing exercise always stopped them. for me. At my worst I was having ten or so a minute.

Dodie117 profile image
Dodie117 in reply to BobD

Thank you teacher - from grateful 👨‍🎓

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to BobD

I get about 4000 to 6000 a day...

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to Dpc2019

They can be very disruptive & that is a large number so I sympathise.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Dpc2019

Getting up there then.

sdonate profile image
sdonate in reply to Dpc2019

Do you do anything to reduce them?

Bob56 profile image

Hi. My understanding is that it is often difficult to ablate for ectopic beats as they rarely remain constant so the process is more difficult to plot and address. In my last 48 holter test, when I had bad ectopics, the results showed about 10,000 a day, but no suggestion of an ablation just Bisoprolol., the problem being that I can go generally ectopic free for long periods. The EP said that we could set the ablation up but find on the day that, basically, he might not be able to find them to isolate. As it happens, I have had an ablation for AF which has largely been successful, but it didn’t do anything for the ectopics. I’ve rarely found a cardiologist keen to ablate for ectopics, so I’m interested in your situation.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Bob56

Yeah my cardiologist Is very renowned and sought after, check him out his name id Dr boon lin, he said its a straight forward procedure my ectopics are comming from rvot and I've had two 24 hr ecg and numerous ecg, s and the place of origin never changes, he said its on right side of heart so very lil chance of any complications, could take maybe 2hour and a half 2hrs max to ablstr thst area in snd out same day.. Im being put on eaiti g list as it effects my quality of life so much.. Im like 70 /30 on the idea.. Iv tried 2 meds bisoprolol and now verapamil and none of them are suppressing the number of ectopics..

Bob56 profile image
Bob56 in reply to Dpc2019

Thanks. I have to say that if my cardiologist was confident he could address my ectopics, then I would probably go ahead, as I find them quite debilitating. The frustration for me is that I can go long periods without much ectopic burden, but out of the blue get weeks on end of thousands a day. De stressing your life, and learning relaxation techniques can definitely help, but only to a certain extent. Good luck whatever you decide to do, and if you do go ahead please come back to the forum and let us know how you get on.

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Bob56

Yes that's how I feel as thy do effect your quality of life in quite a major way, but not 100 percent I will go through with it as big step but I'm being put on waiting list can take between 6and 12 months to be seen so I've got time to decide..

tabletphobic profile image

Are PVC's ectopics ?

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to tabletphobic


Best2 profile image

Hi Dpc2019 I’ve just had 24 hour ecg showing 10% ectopic burden in normal sinus rythym ! I’m waiting to see an ep cardiologist to see if I could benefit from ablation or icd ! Bisoprolol didn’t work for me bad side effects now on Diltiazen to see if they help , did you have to wait long to see a specialist? Hope what ever treatment you go for is successful for you !

Dpc2019 profile image
Dpc2019 in reply to Best2

10 percent is quite high, the higher the number the more chance you have of getting induced cardiomyapathy, i mean I've been offered ablation and being put on waiting list but even I'm not 100 percent I will go through with it, its a big step well at least iflt feels that way for me..... My honest opinion is to pay to go private i did cost me nearly 1300 pounds but best decision I made to get answers

Best2 profile image
Best2 in reply to Dpc2019

Going private is something I’m looking into hopefully il get sorted soon as the worry and anxiety don’t help with them !

Best2 profile image
Best2 in reply to Dpc2019

Do you mind telling me where about sun the country you live and if you had to wait long to see private consultant?

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