Is there a drug for a. fib , heart failure and chronic kidney disease that doesn't damage the kidneys. I have done endless searches and cannot find one. It seems what is good for a.fib and the heart damages the kidneys.
Drugs: Is there a drug for a. fib... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I have same problem but for different reason. TBH - I felt much worse on the drugs anyway.
I had a pacemaker implanted which sorted my arrhythmias but it’s not a common treatment.
The most common drugs used for AF + HF seem to be Amiodarone and Digoxin. Have you seen a cardiologist/EP? What was their advice?
Thank you for replying. I have a 2 lead pacemaker. Both those drugs are bad for your kidneys. One consultant wants to put me on a beta blocker and digoxin. Another consultant said diltsiam, none of them good for the kidneys , plus they make me feel ill every day. I thought maybe there is a new drug out that is good for the heart and the kidneys. Wishful thinking. The doctors just seem to dish out the same old drugs for everyone. They might be good for your heart but damaging for your kidneys. H.F and C.K.D. often go together. Like you drugs make me feel like death warmed up and l aren't capable of doing anything. Did you have a 3 lead pacemaker implanted?
I did have a 3 lead PM inserted.
You are in a Catch 22 situation I’m afraid nd I know of no drugs which will help and not have the risk of causing kidney damage.
You are right. Maybe l should have a 3 lead pacemaker or have an a.v. node ablation to avoid taking is hard to know which course of action to take to prolong my life. There isn't enough research being done on the problem. As Sanja Gupta says h.f. can cause c.k.d. and vice versa. The doctors are just concentrating on my a.f. at the moment. Thank you for taking the trouble to reply.
Sounds as though the AV node ablation might be the answer for you? Also, have you tried diltiazem? It is a reasonable alternative if you find bisoprolol doesn’t suit you. I take it even though I have some kidney problems but I have accepted that all medications are drugs, if you see what I mean?
I really don't know what to do. I know it is just about q.o.l. as l know there is no cure for any of these conditions. They are all interconnected and what is good for one organ is bad for another. As C . Dreamer says it is catch 22. I was on Diltiazem a long time ago and couldn't tolerate it and it's the same as all the others , bad for the kidneys. Thank you for trying to help. I'm afraid there is nothing that can be done for me. I just wondered if a new drug had been brought out , that l hadn't heard of. This site has been of more help to me than any doctor.
You might try the BHF forum as there are likely to be more people with the combo.
You really are in a difficult situation and have all my sympathy but I would think you are exactly the right patient for the pace and ablate procedure. It would definitely be worth a conversation with your consultant. Good luck and do let us know how you get on. X
Thank you for your concern. I actually saw my consultant yesterday. He said an ablation won't be considered until l have tried all the drugs including the dreaded amiodarone, which l won't touch with a bargepole . If none of them work, then, they will consider it. I get the worst side effects from all the drugs they have ever prescribed for me. He gave me 2 to try again digoxin and diltziam, although on the leaflet with the diltziam it says :- Don't take if you have heart failure, which l have. My heart has been stuck at a fast rate for a while. Funnily enough yesterday evening my pulse reverted to n. s. r. It is as if my brain is telling my body not to take the pills. Strange isn't it.