Hi I had afib episode September last year heart went crazy was given bisoprolol nothing has happened since bar a few flutters and thumps I also suffer from severe anxiety so don't know weather it's that the problem is my cardiologist wants me to have a heart scan I got a appointment and it said they inject dye in you i cant have that I will panic is there a alternative any help would be appreciated thanks
Heart scan : Hi I had afib episode... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Heart scan
Hello Fluffy, it may sound a bit traumatic but try not to worry because it really is a common procedure that’s been carried out on 1000’s of people. Obviously we cannot wave a magic wand to make your anxiety disappear but hopefully it will help you to know that you will be is safe and caring hands throughout the procedure. I expect they will see that you are very apprehensive but don’t be afraid to tell them that you need to be handled with care. If you are worried about being in a hospital environment at this time that is, of course understandable but people tell us just how safe they felt in the hospital. If it’s possible, try and go with someone just to give you some extra support, although they probably will not be able to stay, it might make the trip there a bit easier.
It will all be over before you know it! Please let us know how you get on......
Try watching this short video....it might help. You may be having an Angiogram where the procedure will be slightly different.
That's the scan I should be having as I have bad anxiety I will phone my doctor today and try and see if I can have that scan thanks for posting video really appreciate it
I don’t think it works like that Fluffy, they will want to do the scan that’s right for your condition. Neither the Echo or the Angiogram are difficult and both take about the same time so please stop worrying, you will be fine........

If it is an echocardiogram this is merely an ultrasound scan like when ladies are pregnant only on your chest not your tummy.
If it is a CT scan then yes a die is injected so they can see the arteries etc on a screen but really it is no big deal. It is important to establish what state your heart is in so that the poper treatment can be established. If I were you I would speak to the doctors about your anxiety as this really will not help your AF, rather usually exacerbate it.
Fluffyball - It sounds like you might be having an angiogram and the dye they inject is totally harmless and allows your coronary arteries to show up any narrowing or other problems which might exist.
Please do talk to your doctor about feeling so anxious - the procedure is fairly short and the people carrying it out are there to help you and are used to giving reassurance.
Best wishes and let us know how you get on.
If it is a cardiac CT scan with contrast you can be given sedation if you are very anxious. I was going to ask for this but they whisked me through so quickly I managed without and the staff were so kind it really helped enormously.
Hi Hidden . I've had that scan done as well, there is really nothing to worry about. The 'dye' is not even really a dye, its a sterile liquid added into your blood, that just makes the scan show up the blood vessels better, and that your body eliminates in the same way that your blood uses to carry away your body's own waste products.
Regarding the AF, yes, I understand how you feel. I think we all felt that way after the first time it happens. I've now had loads of sessions of AF over the last three years, and it does become just an uncomfortable nuisance once you adjust to it. There can be huge long spells between attacks, but it always seems to return eventually.
Anxiety is a known problem with AF, and can easily be blamed for it happening. I'm not convinced, because I am generally very laid back about it, but I still get AF! I guarantee it doesn't help though, so try not to worry too much.
I'm probably the biggest whuz in trousers. Imagine my horror when some years ago I was told that I needed an angiogram. I was terrified.Not being brave enough to pretend otherwise, I told the hospital staff and apologized in advance for any adverse behaviour, specially when it comes to needles!
Well, they were all really kind, including the doctor who conducted the procedure. They knew how upsetting it can be for some people. After waiting my turn all day and finally being wheeled to the theatre, I reached a point of sanguinity probably helped by a shot beforehand!
The Doctor told me not to be frightened as she prepared me for the procedure by explaining what would be happening and a nurse actually held my hand!
In the end, I watched the whole thing, dye and all, on a repositioned monitor and it was amazing, surreal.
That was my experience and the point at which I became an NHS devotee.
I am at the moment awaiting an ablation and I must say, with some trepidation and can't say that I feel more comfortable at the prospect. The EP upon who's list I reside has been conducting these procedures for twenty-five years and has not lost anyone (I know because I asked him the question directly!) and so I assume that he's only got better!!
Please remember that the sole motivation of Doctors, of any stripe, is to keep you well and alive!
Good luck. Keep posting your experiences; it will help you and a lot of others....
I had the worst case of acute Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I say 'had' because I have it well under control now. Realize it's a paper tiger ... and you can't let it control and direct your life.
I've had the echocardiogram and cardiac CT with iodine contrast injection. (I've had 4 cardiac ablations, too) They are rather simple tests that don't cause much anxiety .... are usually not long in duration ... and pain free.
99% of things an anxious person worries about never happens. So calm down and schedule the test.