Long term breathlessness : I have had... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Long term breathlessness

13 Replies

I have had long term breathlessness issues for nearly a year! Have seen a cardiac and a respiratory consultant! I have had angiograms x rays in fact every test going everything clear! I had mentioned meds at start of this and told not meds as been on same meds since 2016 since bypass! I cannot walk any distance and get hoarse when speaking and have lost job through this ! As a result of my own investigations I found bisoprolol can cause these symptoms so after discuss with gp I am off bisoprolol for a month! In his words have tried everything else! Will be very disappointed if after all this time bisoprolol was the cause!

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13 Replies
pottypete1 profile image

I came off Bisoprolol because I have conductivity disease which slows my heart.

I am still short of breath walking up stairs and hills but I am better than before I stopped Bisoprolol

My EP wants me to have a pacemaker and maybe this might be something that you need to discuss as well

Make sure you discuss your progress with your GP.


in reply to pottypete1

Thanks for your reply. I have had all heart tests going as well as for lungs - everything clear so no need for pacemaker! I feel this is due to bisoprolol and doctor never bothered looking at my meds as they have all taken eye off ball concentrating on Covid!

This may be a strange question but have you been diagnosed with AF. Do you know if your pulse is fast or slow but irregular?

in reply to

All fine bp and pulse - have had all checks going angiograms ecg - my bikes was down to 50 - now off bisoprolol around 75! Steady pulse

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“Bikes” I assume you mean pulse? This forum is for people suffering from Atrial Fibrillation which is an irregular heart beat. It can either be irregular all the time or the irregularities can come and go and one of the symptoms is breathlessness. Medication used is very often a beta blocker such as Bisoprolol and they can also cause breathlessness. AF is detected by having an ECG but of course, you need to be in AF at the time. I’m only telling you all this because I’m not sure you are in the right forum.......Why were you prescribed Bisoprolol?

I wonder if you are asthmatic?

DaveT81 profile image

Hi Red-trev, are you thinking this is related to your AF?

I was diagnosed with AF almost 4 years ago, have since had an ablation. I started to get similar breathing issues about 12 months later but after lots of tests it was almost certainly ruled not heart or respiratory related.

I have since been diagnosed with ME/CFS, which explains most of my other symptoms but still not the chronic breathlessness which has only gotten worse. I'm about to start a lot of new meds/plans/regimes in conjunction with a new doctor for the ME/CFS and hoping that I'm right about my breathing issue (that it's some how related to the messed up autonomic nervous system that's causing all of my other issues) and that this will eventually help it improve.

Sorry you're experiencing this, I have been for over 3 years but I'm almost certain now that it isn't heart or AF related.

From what I am finding out now it is a side effect of bisoprolol my heart and lungs are fine! Been off bisoprolol nearly a week and can notice difference already!

Jalia profile image

I was the same with Bisoprolol so stopped taking it.

saulger profile image

Hello Red-trev. You may well find that the Bisoprolol is to blame. This was the same for me on just 1.25mg once a day. If you are a low HR and low BP naturally, the beta-blocker may slow you down too much.

KMRobbo profile image

I was the same on bisoprolol. Also Atenolol, and also to a lesser extent Diltiazem, which is a calcium channel blocker.I think its anything that slows your HR can have this effect ( not medically trained).

kkatz profile image

I just can't take beta blocker & this is how I would react . Discovered this long before I had AF.

waveylines profile image

Bisoprolol slows the thyroid hormone conversion this slows the body down. It made me exceedingly ill especially as I take medication for an under active thyroid!! The trouble is these specialists know their own area but little else. His answer to my plight was to increase the dose! Disaster! Felt like I was dying. Been on a channel blocker now for a year miles better!

purpleswimmer profile image

Hi. I am interested in what you are saying about breathlessness and hoarseness. I am on 10mg of bisoprolol and 125mg of digoxin alongside diuretics and linsiprolol. I find I am exceptionally tired, I can get breathless but not chronic but more and more my voice gets hoarse. I also take lanzoprazole for my tummy......caused by meds? I have tinnitus and read on here that lanzoprazole can cause it. I am currently experimenting by taking the meds again this week to see if the tinnitus starts up again. I stopped it before and noises stopped! The good news is my paf has been controlled since December with no spikes so I am trying to have as much info as possible before my appointment next week. Do I ask to change bisoprolol or one of the others and chance the hr spiking again? Xx

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