Hi all , I wonder if anyone can help , sadly I have caught Covid and my concern is that I have quite bad diarrhoea and total loss of appetite. I’m trying to force food down so that I don’t end up in hospital. Does anyone know if I should or shouldn’t be taking diarolyte . I don’t want to go back into afib as I’ve been free for nearly 2 years followed an ablation . I’m not sure if the electrolytes would be too much by taking this or must I keep taking it to keep up what’s been depleted ? Many thanks
Afib and diarolyte : Hi all , I wonder... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Afib and diarolyte

So sorry to her that I think staying hydrated is most important so I wouldn’t be pushing food down if you don’t feel like - what goes in must come out. Trust your body. In those circumstances I just drink warm water, small sips almost constantly. You could a small pinch of salt & little sugar. I also like clear chicken stock, when I feel a little better.
I can’t answer your question but I would imagine it can’t do harm but ring 111 or go to the NHS COVID PAGE as they should be able to help.
Thank you for your reply , I’ve spoken to my GP and called the helpline and they all keep saying to eat but it does seem pointless so I might leave that for a while and concentrate on the liquids more. I had heard about the sugar and salt , I will try that thank you
PS - I would be loading with VitD & Zinc supplements which is what our GP advised.
Would you mind telling me what vit D and zinc supplements you take ?
This is the best Vit D supplement out there .
My brother swears by dioralyte.
Good luck, I feel for you xxx
I take D3 solution, any good make - I have Solgar at the moment - equivalent to 500iu in the morning & D3+K spray at night. Zinc Picolate 15mg daily & lozenges with Vit C when I’m ill. You will need a VitB complex when you are recovering- body needs a lot of VitB when repairing. MS society did a lot of research on VitB.
Hi CDreamer. Is it ok to take vit d if you’re on warfarin? When I checked online it looks like if can affect it but not a lot on info out there to be sure. Thanks.
Sorry to hear that, I would have thought staying hydrated is the most important thing so I think Dioralyte in the recommended amount should be helpful. Also clear soup is a good idea. When I have flare ups of diverticular disease I am supposed to eat a low fibre diet - lean meat, mainly chicken, eggs, cheese, no fruit or veg except fruit juice, but potato is ok.
I think the main reason for eating is to provide energy to fight the virus so forget ‘healthy eating’ and eat tiny bits of energy giving food.
Best wishes, hope you recover well 🍀
I had covid back in March quite badly with mainly gastric symptoms which at the time nobody realised was covid. Because of AF was very concerned about dehydration so did take rehydration medication Don’t remember much about that time but the miracle was despite being so ill no AF - how that happened who knows. Think I just ate what I fancied when able too - fluids are the most important. Take care & hope you improve soon
I'd stay away from household sugar ... it only impairs immune system function. Might try honey instead as it is antimicrobial and boosts immunity. Vitamin A for healthy lungs. Vitamin D for C-19, although should have frontloaded it before contracting. Saturated blood levels with D are important for defeating C-19. Zinc is very good as it stimulates the entire immune system.
Cheap pulse oximeter is handy to have around to monitor lung function. An inexpensive nebulizer with .5% hydrogen peroxide a few times a day will knock out C-19 and other respiratory issues like pneumonia in lungs. Dr. Mercola and other utubers have videos and articles online about how to do this. Good Luck!
Really interested in your advice; my husband and I are doing much of what you advise anyway, but I googled 'nebuliser with hydrogen peroxide' and it has been debunked in many places and if done incorrectly can cause lung damage.
Normal 'household' sugar does not impair the immune system's function in any way. It is sucrose, which the body converts to glucose. Glucose is the main source of energy for all body cells. Like all things, even water, too much is not good but a moderate amount is fine.I would strongly caution against using hydrogen peroxide in a nebuliser. It may well cause lung damage. It cannot affect the virus without killing the cells that the virus has invaded. In my opinion, this method is potentially very dangerous.
Correct. The brain needs glucose to repair & it’s the fastest way to get it. It’s only when we feast on sugar it become very harmful.
It's well known (not even debated anymore by anyone) .... thousands of books and articles say that common sugar impairs immunity and causes inflammation in the body. Sorry ... we have to agree to disagree on this one.
To my knowledge, Dioralyte contains no drug nor anything potentially dangerous. What it does (and does far too expensively, in my view...) is replace lost water and a few key electrolytes that can become excreted to excess when we suffer an extended case of the runs.
There are far cheaper and equivalent options available from places such as Home Bargains and Tesco. It would shock me to learn that any of these things weren't other than perfectly safe to take (assuming you don't have some existing condition such as a bowel obstruction, kidney failure or liver disease).
Hi, speaking from my own experience only, I get extremely dehydrated after flying so always stock up with rehydration meds beforehand. I find 'Restore' from tesco very good and pleasant tasting too which helps when you're not feeling good anyway. I've never encountered any bad effects from it unlike how I feel when dehydrated! Really hope you start feeling better soon and AF stays at bay. 😀
A friend has just been diagnosed and my daughter had it. Drinking plenty seems the order of the day. The surgery recommended this in both cases. I have AF and have taken dioralyte with no ill effects. It’s important not to wash away salts and potassium etc by drinking too much. Personally I would take it. Do hope you feel better soon.
Am thinking of you; I agree about taking lots of fluids, (whoever wants to eat when they are feeling so rotten anyway, and especially if they have no sense of smell). Please come back and let us know how you are.
BetterYou DLux+ Vitamin D+K2 - 12ml (Pack of 2) smile.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0773...
This is the one I have bought, it had a good review in the Mail, but I'd already decided to try it.
High I have afib and am on warfarin I am just getting over Covid 19 myself, I was given Dexamethason and told to take Zinc and Vitamin D everyday get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. I had a lot of chicken noodle soup and Drank Ensure.I did have trouble at first but am doing better now. but rest and fluids for sure and if you can keep an eye on your oxygen levels.
Thank you I’m going to try the zinc and vit D as so many of you have recommended it . Can I ask how long it took you to be over the worst ? I know everyone’s different
I'm sorry to read that you have this virus Bluenomore and hope that the answers you have already received will be helpful to you in getting your strength back. I always take one dioralyte after each bout of the runs and have had no problems with it.
Very best wishes for a speedy recovery - take care of yourself. xx
My daughter had it and found rest with lots of fluids helped. Ginger tea & Turmeric worked for her (good to boost immune system) or warm lemon in water. This also helped me recently when I had cramps & diarrhea. There is also a natural sources Gravol/Ginger pill which is for upset stomach & nausea. When you start feeling better and are able to retain some food try some chicken broth and salted crackers. This is my go to cure for all related stomach problems.Don’t be too quick to get up and running as it can bring back symptoms and become worse. Hope you get well soon!
Stop magnesium if you are taking it. Vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D3, elderberry juice, colostrum, Dr. Sinatra’s protocol for Afib, v-8 juice (for strength and afib) ... eat things that you might normally love ... (mashed potatoes with gravy, bisquits, melon, frozen Greek yogurt... all yummy!)
Magnesium causes diarrhea or loose stools. If one has diarrhea it would be better to TEMPORARILY stop taking magnesium.