I may well be reading too much into this, but there appears at first sight to be a rather large link between these two new news items on the BHF site:
"Broken bones and broken hearts"
"Osteoporosis and heart disease share a number of risk factors such as increasing age, a sedentary lifestyle, and smoking – but are these risk factors all they share? Dr Raisi-Estabragh and the team of researchers discovered that lower bone density (the amount of bone mineral in bone tissue) is linked to stiffer arteries (a sign of poor heart health). They also found that people with poor bone quality have a higher risk of dying from coronary heart disease – when the arteries supplying the heart with blood get clogged up with fatty deposits"
Calcitonin is a medication for osteoporosis.
"It’s in your bone hormone"
"A new heart hormone – calcitonin – was previously thought to only be produced by the thyroid gland....It has long been known that calcitonin’s role in our bodies is to help regulate bone density....However, the Oxford researchers found that calcitonin also plays an important role in reducing atrial scarring. Scarring disrupts the electrical impulses travelling through the atria, which in turn causes the heart to beat in an irregular manner....are hopeful that this bone and heart hormone could lead to new therapies to control or prevent this potentially devastating condition."