Hi Everyone,
In December we have an "any questions" style meeting- on Zoom this year, Forum members are very welcome (no need to email if you have attended before as you are on our list.) I don't come on here much at present as recovering from surgery (not AF related) so any questions, or requests for the zoom link, would need to be sent to info@surreyasg.co.uk by Monday to be included. I copy below the details that have gone out to surrey asg members- do feel free to join us.
Best wishes,
I am very pleased that we are able to meet again on Wednesday 2nd December, on Zoom, at 5pm. We are having our normal Christmas, ‘“Any Questions” session and answers will be given by our Medical Director, Dr Abhay Bajpai, who is a senior Cardiac Consultant at Epsom and St Helier and who, as an electrophysiologist, carries out ablation and other heart procedures at St George’s Hospital, London.
Please send your questions to me, by e mail, before Monday so I have time to sort them into categories. As you know, we can’t advise what your treatment should be, as our doctors do not have your medical history to hand, but you can ask any questions in a general way and Dr Bajpai will answer. You shouldn’t change your treatment without asking your own specialist.
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