I hope you’re all ok people, I’m in sinus again as of Saturday, will be seen by a cardiology in a month, where I will hopefully be put forward to my ep again. I’m booked for cardioversion and a 24hr tape. I know I won’t need cardioversion if I’m still in sinus, but all positive for my next steps in my AF journey.
Got a follow up in a month and possib... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Got a follow up in a month and possible cardioversion.
Hey! Glad you are back in sinus again, I hope you'll don't need this cardioversion.
Rocking news Achant1
It's sounds like your journey is moving forward well.
Just one thing - what med's has your cardio put you on ? From my persoanal experience they can really 'make or break'.
It's sounds like you are doing well - keep up the good work.
I’m on bisoprolol 🤮 and apixaban, although I’m reacting way better to them than I did first time round, I had to come off as they took my heart rate down to 40 bpm. I then changed to flecainide 50mg twice a day.
No worries Achant.
I personally find flec does the job for me - how long that will last no one knows. If (and only if) I get a few more years from it I'll be well happy - I feel afib treatment will have moved up a step by then.
I'm on double your dose and it works (at the mo). I guess the dose depends on our sex / weight / size.
Good luck with it and stay in sinus
EDIT - if flec works for maybe you it might a suggestion to ask if your cardio if you could 'up your daily' dose a little. They may say no - however there is no harm in asking