Possibly just clutching at straws, my GP diagnosed me with AF after I presented with mild breathlessness last December, he organised an ECG, prescribed Xarelto and referred me to a Cardiologist. By February the breathlessness was getting worse so I asked for a chest X-ray, the x-ray showed fluid on one lung so the GP requested a second x-ray which I was told was clear. The breathlessness continued to get much worse plus I had some internal bleeding, the GP, changed my pills to Apixaban, the bleeding stopped. I then requested another chest X-ray in June as I couldn't move between rooms without panting. The x-ray showed one lung with serious pleural effusion, a CT scan was arranged and following a visit to the consultant where a sample of fluid has been taken I am waiting on results hopefully next week, if clear of cancer cells they will drain the fluid, other than that no explanation why the fluid is there. Sorry for that long story but I seriously wonder if the Xarelto could be the cause of the fluid on my lung, has anyone else had similar fluid retention problems?