Can I just ask is there a difference between the two? And also can scarring from an abalation cause PVC?
PVC and Ectopic Heartbeats - Atrial Fibrillati...
PVC and Ectopic Heartbeats

According to this:
There are two types of ectopic heartbeat:
* Premature atrial contractions (PAC), which originate in the upper chambers, or atria.
* Premature ventricular contractions (PVC), which originate in the lower chambers, or ventricles.
I was just looking this up this morning.
And can you get a abalation for both of these?
Good question. I don't know. I was under the impression that ablations done to correct Afib and Aflutter but not PVCs. But I don't actually know.
No Ectopics are not usually ablatable. Doctors consider them benign and the risks associated with the procedure far out weigh any likely benefit.
Oh really cheers @bobd so what about PVC can you get them from scarring off the heart after abalation?
I wonder that too. My PVCs started AFTER my last ablation.
I think you will find that Bob knows quite a bit about ectopics and has a lot of personal experience of them. Whilst they are uncomfortable unless you have an unusually high number of them which affect your daily ability to function, there is no treatment as the risks outweigh the possible benefit.
LSD - long, slow, deep breathing help and some find Magnesium supplementation help.
I certainly had ectopics both PACs and PVCs after ablations for AF, especially when I pushed too hard, too soon. My understanding is that if you have/have had AF we are more likely to notice them (everyone has them every day but may not notice them) and in my case I was told that was my heart trying to go back into AF but resisting so I was quite content to let them be. They went away on their own after about 12 months and have not returned which I put down to good nutrition, rest and sleep, stress management and not worrying about them.
OK Two things here. Ectopic beats are a normal function of a healthy heart and everybody gets up to 200 a day but only we AFers notice because we are so obsessed with our hearts.
Sabine Ernst, one of London's top EPs once told me ectcopics are a good sign as it shows that the heart is trying to go into AF and failing. OK I know they don't feel nice but for most people PROPERLY performing the slow deep breathing exercise will stop them. It can take a few weeks to get these right and it is important to completely empty and then fill your lungs using only your diaphragm no more than six times a minute. It takes practise as I say but after a month or so I found I could easily get down to 4 breaths a minute and do this for as long as I wanted .( I usually fell asleep after ten minutes.) My bad ectopic period was about six months after my thrid ablation when I was getting continuous ascending numbers of "missed beats" every second,. third. fourth etc up to eleven and back to two.
And how are the ectopics now for you? I had them every now and again post abalation but now they are continuously going on to get a bit of relief when I take my beta blocker