We need home exercises for active 80 years plus. Sitting or standing. Balance and muscle strength orientated. Fed up of being treated like a has-been!
How about this?: We need home exercises... - Atrial Fibrillati...
How about this?

I’m intrigued....apart from this post you have not posted on the forum for 4 years!! Good for you - wanting to get your limbs ‘n lungs on the move.....guess you are like most of the rest of us, cooped up and stir crazy. Hope you are feeling OK and being well looked after in terms food and meds. I was thinking of suggesting 100 laps of the garden, but that’s been done and you are far too young to attract another £27m for the NHS!
I’m not too good at exercise, but I’m sure you will receive lots of useful ideas but I did want to say hello and welcome you back to the forum. I’m always fascinated by the nicknames people choose and I wondered if Morein was just an unusual and different way to spell your proper name? Stay safe and well and all the best for the exercise regime........
I just googled “ideas for gentle exercise” and some YouTube videos popped up, might be worth a look 👍
We have been doing this exercise plan since day 14. This was yesterdays but you could start with day one they are all on youtube. Also video on how to take pulse and cardio add ons. Thats 29 days consecutively. My arthritic knees are benefitting and she is a very engaging young lady a d well qualified. Started as videos to help her grandparents - older than you!
Hello Morein, I am 80 in May, no celebration too look forward to. Fell and broke my hip end of March, doing well after op then developed another fracture, back to square one, last Sunday fell in kitchen and badly bruised my shoulder blade and ribs, really fed up, I need some safe exercise to do as I feel very weak. If you are fed up no guesses as to how I feel.
One bonus though , hair still natural colour, no stripes for me, the rest of me may be falling apart but have a good head of hair.
Good luck all us oldies
Hello, I sympathise with you. I have had a lot of falls since 2015, when I lunged forward and broke my left wrist. I then broke both hips in 2016, one in February and the other in August. I have also had a broken elbow and both little fingers broken not to mention a very badly sprained wrist - the left one again - after a fall. I did have a very good period after taking part in a course of 26 weeks exercises run by my local branch of Age U.K. I now need some exercises to carry out at home. I do have a booklet given by Age U.K. but I hope to try something slightly different. I suspect my problem is poor balance caused by the medication I take for hypertension. Of course this is strongly denied by all the medical professionals together with my retired pharmacist son. They would prefer to blame my age, but they wouldn’t say that if I was forty, would they? My left hip has dislocated three times since 30th November, 2018. I now must be very careful not to move my knees above my hips. There’s plenty of choice here for me and I thank everyone for their suggestions. I hope to have some remedial surgery to stabilise my left hip but I can’t consider this while this Vicious virus is still around. Please be very careful Hatten28 not to stumble and if possible keep your back nice and straight when walking and try not to look down too much just look straight ahead. This was taught at Age U.K. and it really does help. Best wishes.
Thank you for your very helpful advice.
Your thinking regarding balance rings bells with me as I have been unsteady for quite a while now, prior to my accident I tottered if turning to fast, your suggestion about standing straight and looking ahead is excellent.
The problem I have at present is I feel so weak, if my intentions are good the body does not want to follow, I hope to be taking more exercise when I feel stronger. It’s one month since broken hip, three weeks since hip refractured itself and one week since falling and badly bruising my ribs and shoulder blade, am I expecting too much too soon, do I need more time.
Thank you again x
I’m seventy five. I’ve the free NHS Active 10 app, that records the duration of every walk you do, even across a room, and whether it is brisk, I think 3 mph, or not. Just slip it in your pocket. Press ups leaning against the wall, a chair or table can be easily varied in effort, building up to horizontal from the floor. Flexing your back is important, so I stretch each hand and alternately out in front of me, the other behind, so twisting my back and neck. squats to flex my legs, hanging onto a surface if balance is a problem. Finally, attempting to touch my toes. I can only reach half way down my calf, but it’s good for my back. I try to do one or more every hour. Fail miserably, but usually manage a few through the day. Shopping is excellent. A walk and carrying bags back. I’m fortunate in living near open water swimming, so I’ve done that through the winter. Brilliantly exhilarating.
Check out the British Heart Foundation website - lots of exercise regimes for all levels of fitness. Or look on YouTube for tai chi shibashi - I follow Taiflow 10 minutes a day (in theory) as our class has closed of course. Tai Chi was highly recommended by my physiotherapist,
Mr. Motivator is doing videos for U3A. Joe Wickes exercise for Seniors. Fitness Blender has free exercises for seniors. I also do chair yoga with Michele Schnaier. There is lots out there. I am limited as I cannot do floor exercises but if you can there are even more especially Pilates.
The British Lung Foundation do such exercises. It may be worth looking on their website.
There's a quick 10 mins chairobics workout here by Mary Morris on the Rosemary Conley site. Easy to fit in around other things in the day. rosemaryconley.com/library/...
and I've found a couple of chair Pilates videos on Youtube
Marching on the spot, side steps, toe taps to side. Then press ups against the wall, sit to stand from a chair, get some bean cans and do bicep curls and let raises (see pics on google). And if you ha e an exercise band (physio band) the world is your oyster. Have a stretch or light yoga at the end. Then 5 mins meditation. Good luck.
Have a look at QiGong often used as a Tai Chi warm up. Not strenuous, all about breathing, balance and posture. Can also be enjoyed sitting down!!
Good Luck.