Dreams and Betablockers: Some of you... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Dreams and Betablockers

Challiefan profile image
10 Replies

Some of you may have seen this article on the Guardian website, "Is coronavirus stress to blame for the rise in bizarre ‘lockdown dreams?"


To quote, "Many patients taking beta blockers, which interfere with these neurotransmitters, notice intense new dreams or nightmares." I'm on 10mg Bisoprolol daily, and yes, my dreams have been a lot more vivid - even though I'm not bad at keeping stress levels low.

Hey ho...

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Challiefan profile image
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10 Replies
fallingtopieces profile image

When I was on bisoprolol I had awful nightmares! It’s a well known side effect.


Challiefan profile image
Challiefan in reply to fallingtopieces

Ah well. Better than top notch AF...

momist profile image

I remember well the dreams and nightmares I had when I first started on Bisoprolol. Vivid and alarming at times, and certainly entertaining in a way. They eventually petered out after several months.

Challiefan profile image
Challiefan in reply to momist

Good description there - vivid, alarming and entertaining. I learnt to live with PTSD a few years ago so, in a way, I'm used to it They're just dreams. Unfortunately, that doesn't make them any less of a nuisance.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Challiefan

I definitely get more bizarre dreams since being on beta blockers. Changing from Bisoprolol to Nebivolol has not improved this. I also have the impression I dream too much - no deep dreamless sleep. Even a short nap during the day and I go immediately to dreaming.

Barb1 profile image

Bisoprolol gave me awful nightmares, very graphic and horrifying. A lot better now on Nebivolol.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Yes, my dreams have certainly been more vivid over the last few days ( I'm not usually aware of dreaming at all). I've suddenly started falling back to sleep after an hour or more awake and that's when the dreams start.

In one I was going to a works talk and dinner, was walking there and realised most of the other ladies were wearing long dresses and I should have worn mine. I was suddenly in the town where my youngest daughter lives and trying to get to her house to change my dress. I thought rather than walk there it would be quicker by bus. Sitting on an open topped double decker bus, I noticed my seat was different to the others and was red leather and round shaped and studded. As I sat on it I thought oh no coronavirus I shouldn't be on here. I rang the bell to get off, but the bus kept on for a few more stops. When I did get off I didn't know where I was, asked a strange man if he knew the road and he ummed and ahhed about where it was, irritating me because he obviously didn't know and I was in a hurry. End of dream and I awoke to find my heart hammering away and felt ill and unusually low spirited all day.

I can't take any more than 2 x 50mg of Flec a day, along with 2 x 12.5 Metoprolol, or I get terrifying night time hallucinations, must admit to falling back to sleep after some of them which makes me think was I really awake or not.


Challiefan profile image
Challiefan in reply to jeanjeannie50

Anxiety dreams are very understandable at the moment. I've found the way to deal with them is to tackle the things that are worrying us in real life.

There's a big downside, of course. Right now control of our own lives is limited. So, try to do things that make us feel good about ourselves. Often, that means helping others, or getting involved in projects that enrich our lives.

Not particularly useful advice perhaps, but every little bit helps.

Blavet profile image

Yes. Some beta blockers do cause dreams, it’s because they cross what is called the blood brain barrier.

Challiefan profile image


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