I am having a bout of atrial fibrilllation just now. Not sure what I should be doing
Atrial fibrillation: I am having a bout... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Atrial fibrillation

I see you have been a member for a couple of years or so therefore I’m assuming this is something which has happened before. Assuming you are in a safe environment the best thing is to remain calm, take long, deep breaths and stay hydrated. If you are experiencing chest pains then call an ambulance or go to your nearest A&E, otherwise consider seeing your GP and enquire about being prescribed a PiP and if they scratch their head, ask to see a cardiologist.
Until I had my CV, followed by an ablation, I never experienced paroxysmal AF so my knowledge is limited, hopefully others will respond with suggestions soon.....good luck

Thank you for the advice. I have had short cases of this but never know what to do. I am alone so it is always so scary!
What is a PiP?
Why not read some of the information available on the AF Association website. There is a lot of stuff there which will help you to understand the condition and how best to cope with it.......
Rest, drink plenty of water and take slow controlled breaths - deep breath in and breath out like blowing through a straw. AF feels really awful but the heart is a tough machine. There are plenty of combinations of meds that can be used to control a bad episode and for some there are options of surgery such as ablation. Don’t suffer and get well!
Thank you. It has eased up and my heart beat is back to 60 per minute. Phew! I am on Dilitiazem to lower blood pressure as I can’t take any blood thinners. It is so frightening when one is alone and not sure what to do but thank you for the advice.
Hello Sharara, hope things have settled, I take Dilitazem for bp and I am on Pradaxa blood thinner with no problems.
I completely understand your fear, a thousand things will cross your mind, but these are normal. I had a bout last night whilst being driven. I just sat there and took deep breaths, held for 10 and slowly out then repeated for a few mins. It slowly went back to 60, but you’ll naturally still feel on edge slightly even if it has passed.
You could also try putting your face in ice cold water, this has on occasion known to help relieve the AF. Also lying on your back and raising your legs and pushing down as if you are straining for a poo can also work. But, I see you have high blood pressure so I would speak to the Dr first before trying that one. But drink plenty of cold water and even ice water can help symptoms.
Good luck and look up the many many resources available and it’ll help to make sense of it all hopefully.