I have broken a couple of toes and after 8 weeks one is not healing and toe is looking a little bruised still and swollen. Do you think I should stop taking Apixaban??? Does it have an effect on fractures?
Bone fractures and Apixaban - Atrial Fibrillati...
Bone fractures and Apixaban
We are not medically trained and you really need to seek professional advice but I would of thought it would be unwise to stop taking Apixaban because it is unlikely to be having any adverse affect on the fracture. You refer to a “little” bruising which suggests that anticoagulant is not causing too much of an issue but best to talk to your surgery.....
You would very likely increase your stroke risk considerably if you stopped your anticoagulant. You must discuss this with your treating doctor if you are concerned.
Definitely seek medical advice.
I'm a great one for damaging toes and getting horrific bruising etc ( on warfarin) but they heal pretty quickly....certainly well clear by 8 weeks. However we are all different etc etc!
I would not stop my Apixaban without clear instructions from my cardiologist as it could be dangerous to experiment with it.
Your toe needs looking at by a doctor but don’t think about stopping Apixaban - a stroke is worse than a damaged toe.
Trouble is when you break your toe you also damage soft tissue & that takes a lot longer than 8 weeks to heal, especially as you get older. I did the same end of June & I would say although it is healed, I still get some discomfort & cannot wear heels, not that I often do but going to a wedding shortly so breaking some in!
Did you have an X-Ray?
I’ve broken 3 bones in my leg & ankle since being on Apixaban & wouldn’t consider it an issue. Mind you if it was hip or femur - that’s a different story but you’d be in hospital anyway if you had.
Stroke risk trumps any other in MHO.
Have you had a bone density scan?
Apparently you can take a medicine to build your bone strength up.
I have and am screened every 5 years - it’s now automatic to have a DEXA scan after any major breaks, especially if you are a woman of a certain age.
I have mild to moderate osteoporosis and was prescribed calcium with Vit D but it upsets my homeostasis too much and to be frank, from what I have read, it’s not that affective and one of the best things you can do to build bone is resistance training so I use toning tables and weight bearing exercise and so far, so good. I went through an early traumatic menopause so it’s not uncommon.
I broke most of my toes on one foot when I was in my twenties (50 years ago) and they took forever to mend (6-8-10 weeks?). They went purple/black and I remember the huge crunch when I did it. I'd have thought apixaban would only affect (if anything) the bruising but I'm just guessing. I've not noticed much difference in healing when on apixaban but not done anything major.
I am having toes broken and pins inserted for 6 weeks and have only been told to stop my apixaban the night before and morning of op and restart that night if not much bleeding or next morning so although I wouldn’t dream of advising you I suspect it isn’t the apixaban causing you the problem. Hope you better soon
You need to consult your GP. I definitely wouldn’t stop the Apixaban without GP approval. It’s not obvious, either, that the Apixaban is responsible.
Do not stop Apixaban. Your toes seem to be healing normally. Get medical advice. Don't play football.
Sorry to hear about your fractures. Ouch.
Many years ago I broke my leg whilst running down the mountain next to Mont Blanc (I was a lot fitter then!) . Rushed to the hospital at Chamonix to be be plastered up and sent home. Part of their routine treatment for anyone with fractures is to administer daily anti coagulation, via an intramuscular injection for at least 2 weeks post fracture.
Seems their is a higher risk of throwing a clot after a fracture.