Thank you to everyone for this wonderful forum. My husband, 56, started getting more and more out of breath and fatigued in November and December of last year. Finally he went to the ER (we are in the US) on January 2. He was in AF and his heart rate was 180 but they got it down to between 130 and 150 after meds. He was diagnosed with heart failure and AF. They started him on the antiarrhythmic drug Dofetilide (Tikosyn) , in the hope that his heart would convert to NSR but it didn't, so after three days he had a cardioversion which worked, and he continued on the Dofetilide.
It's now been eight months and he feels great, staying in NSR, and he tolerates all the medications just fine. Which are: Dofetilide, metoprolol, Lisinopril, apixaban, fuorsemide, and atorvastatin. After a few months he had an Echo which showed his heart failure had greatly improved (ejection fraction went from 28% to 62%.). He exercises by biking to work, and significantly cut down alcohol, usually only drinking on weekends. Before all this, he was a pretty heavy drinker, about 3-4 drinks a night. It seems likely that the drinking was a main contributing factor in his onset of AF.
My husband's EP has suggested that he either stay on the Dofetilide indefinitely, or have an ablation. The EP has actually indicated that my husband is a good candidate for ablation (and we have heard that he is generally conservative regarding suggesting ablation). Interesting that there is no consideration of going off of the Dofetilide and seeing how it goes. I'm guessing it's because afib invariably recurs. And maybe also that he was very symptomatic with afib.
My husband has decided to get the ablation on Sept 27. (It's a cryoablation). The doctor plans on keeping him on the antiarrhythmic Dofetilide for 6 months following. I guess my main question is -- if the meds, including antiarrhthmics, are working so well for him right now, is he crazy to get an ablation? And for those of you for whom ablation has not been successful, have you tried antiarrhthmics? Thanks everyone!