New to this site and have a question. I was diagnosed with in my 20’s and I’m now in my mid 30’s, I’ve had three ablations the last one just a few days ago. My afib wasn’t as bad when I was weighing a nice 230lbs but as my exercise was decreased my weight went up and my afib got worse and now up to 275. I try to work out like I used to, which was a lot, but now I’m afraid to even push myself or even go by myself since I had very terrible episode at he gym. Now the muscle is gone and fat has replaced it. My question is has anyone reduced their weight and had their episodes reduced or even gone? Ive asked multiple ep’s and cardiologist but they say afib was bad luck and doesn’t go with my weight. Either way I am making the choice to lose it now. Thanks for any responses! I’ll post if I manage to lose enough and if it made a difference
Weight and afib: New to this site and... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Weight and afib

In view of the advice you have been given by the medics, perhaps it would be worth looking at possible changes to your lifestyle in addition to losing weight which might reduce your AF burden. Have you considered seeing a naturopath, particularly in the matter of a nutritional analysis and advice about vitamin and mineral supplements as appropriate. Has there been mention of possible sleep apnoea?
Has there been any suggestion that you might have episodes of SVT alongside your AF in view of your age at presentation and multiple ablations?
Right now you need plenty of rest, perhaps take a long break from the gym, and don’t underestimate the importance of staying well hydrated.

The LEGACY trials in Australia showed that a BMI of less than 25 reduces AF burden.
I would say it's a complete no brainer really, not only for AFIB but your general health. The heart muscle has to work harder the more weight you carry so having a low BMI can only be good for you in the long run.
I lost 28lb to get my BMI in the green zone and although it didn't stop my AFIB it certainly made me feel a lot better. I had a ablation last September and so far so good, zero episodes and feeling good. Best wishes to you and keep well.
3 yr ago at my PAF diagnosis, my EP spent 20-30 min only talking about healthy lifestyle changes, including wt. He said he couldn’t guarantee the a fib would go away but that it would b less aggressive. Ive made a lot of changes including losing 40 of 70 lb.
Wt loss is hard, as you know. Weight is a controversial subject. There are tons of fit thin people with a fib. Excess weight is not our friend. I’m now 66, many years of being 75-100 lb overweight. My knee’s are paying the price now. I am happy to report that my a fib did become less aggressive. Ive not had an ablation, I’m not on daily meds. My last a fib event was 11 mo ago. I know that could all go south at anytime.
No one knows the key that unlocks the a fib puzzle completely. I’m a believer in pursuing my best self, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You are young, don’t give in to the weight. Have hope and believe you can accomplish whatever you choose💜
Hoski has some wise words there. I'm slender and (used to be) fit, but still got AF (though I'm older than you). But reducing weight always helps. It's just bloody hard to do. The old saying is true: the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
Yes indeed. Would hate to count how many times I’ve made one step forward and 3 steps back!!! My most important lesson I’ve learned is don’t quit. On my tombstone they can write, she had to quit🤣