Hi, I am not in the UK but I just stumbled upon this article May be some of you might have read it. Are some of them your Doctors? Am sure you guys are in their good hands.
Top Electrophysiologist in the UK - Atrial Fibrillati...
Top Electrophysiologist in the UK

Quite a few gaps there but it is the Daily Fail.
Sounds like your EP wasn't there Bob?
Yes, mine is there, Guy Haywood.
All male gender Consultants in this list I am wondering why...In fact come to think of it I haven't come across any female Cardiologists/EP's in my AF journey.
Mine is,
Thank you juggsy for that confirmation...Season Greetings to you.Carol.

I havnt either. Wonder why? By the way, that is a genuine question and not a cynical rhetoric one. X
I have seen these lists before of top Cardio Consultants but can't recall seeing any females in the lists but of course that dosnt mean there arnt any...

*Doesn't say anything about women being heartless*
Yes, Kim Rajappan did one of my cardio versions and it was Timothy Betts who did my very successful ‘pace & ablate’ (both at the same time), earlier this year.
Both Doctors were great 😊
Ps. I also saw Yaver Bashir a few times during my several stays in the John Radcliffe. As artical says, he is a very nice man.
Mine is - Mark O’Neill
My hubby was with Edward Rowland for twenty years and was looked after very well.
He is very good at what he does but is also a genuinely caring chap.
Now my hubby has a new heart he does not need to see him but we miss him.
We can highly recommend him.
Not many in the list!
Hi SpitzerAce
Thanks for your response. As it happens I have read the Daily Mail article you identify and then read up on some of the surgeons it includes.
Kind regards