Thanks again for all the good will messages and yes I am beginning to get on top of things. I had so forgotten how this condition messes with us so I suppose it was a lesson I had to re-learn. Balancing meds against side effects has been a trial but I may be getting there slowly. Sometimes the drugs ARE actually worse than what they are trying to stop I fear but I must have changed too as it was never thus before.
Every Sunday night my pal and I seperated by 300 miles have a one hour phone chat to put the world to rights and last night we ended up talking about words that seemed to have dropped out of circulation or changed their meaning. Gay is an obvious one of course but there are plenty of others.
This morning he emailed me a list of the Washibngton Post annual competition for new meanings to old words . such as Willy nilly -- impotent, or Lymph.-- to walk with a lisp but I think my favourite is Pokemon..-- A Rastafarian proctologist.
For us AFers a new word has been formed by the way. Decafalon (n) The gruelling event of getting through the day eating only those things that are good for us.