Don't believe myablation worked. Am at the 3 month mark and have what I call skipped beats 24/7. Dr. Has put me on 180mg cardizem along with 50 mg of flecianide (spelling?) twice a day. Anyone else on this combo?
Skipped beats: Don't believe myablation... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Skipped beats

What you call skipped beats are ectopic or out of place beats and very common for us AFers. Whilst generally benign they can be irritating . If you use the top righ search box for ectopics you will find a lot of info including a good slow breathing exercise which often helps.
It is still early days since your ablation and this situation may well improve over the next three to six months.
Thank you BobD. Will check out the breathing technique. This is my second ablation and this one has been a much harder recovery. Guess I am expecting too much too soon. Had this ablation out of state and wishing I had stayed closer to home since I have to drive 300 miles in a couple weeks for my 3 month Checkup.
I had this at about the 2 month after ablation period IIRC. Loads of ectopics. I was convinced that the procedure had failed. A 24 hour holter at 3 months showed that it was "only" ectopics.
I know that it feels awful, bit hopefully they will die down in time. I have ectopics almost every day, ranging from one or two, to runs where you are sure that you are going to kick off into AF, thankfully that hasn't happened yet !
I have taken magnesium for a while, I think that may have helped reduce them

Than you mikee69. Wonder if magnesium citrate would help. I really don't know the difference between the two.
Hi I have eptopics after my ablation in May they were un-nerving but after reading about them, I was less worried and also i started taking magnesium turate and this has reduced them greatly
All magnesium is linked to something else. Magnesium citrate is Ok and not too expensive, but don't take so much that it gives you the runs - that would result in your losing magnesium, not gaining it. Magnesium oxide is not recommended. Any other sort is Ok. Magnesium taurate has been recommended as the 'taurate' part is good for the heart too, but it can be expensive.
Hi, After I had my second ablation I began to have ectopics but as time has gone by they have become less and less. I am stilll on 2.5 Bisoprolol and feel a whole lot better than after the first ablation. I do hope that your ectopics decrease over time.
Also Blondies, check out Dr Sanjay Gupta’s videos on Magnesium Taurate and he has produced one or two on ectopics. I was alway a bit cynical about supplements but they helped reduce the ectopics I had before my recent ablation......

Thanks flapjack will do.

Dr. Sanjay did not recommend but did not discourage. I started on my own taking magnesium it has decreased episodes of rapid heart beats during early morning hours of sleep
What did you actually have the 2nd procedure for? these skipped beats or genuine AF?
And how many do you have? 20 per day or 1000 per day?
And has it been successful so far for the actual AF?
ive had all sorts of flutters, ectopics up to 3-4 months post surgery but at 4 months now they are all starting to settle.
It can take up to 5.
Were you on flecanide from the start post surgery or started it because of the ectopics?
And if you only started it because of the ectopics has it improved or not since starting it?
Marcus I had second ablation because afib had returned....first ablation helped for about 6 months then it was back. As far as ectopics they were (I say were because I started dr, guptas breathing exercise last night) consistent 24/7 unless I took the flecianide. I have used flecianide as a pill in the pocket for several years. I have more hope that this ablation will work since starting the breathing. It's only been one day but I am excited abought it. This community of afibers has been such a blessing. Hope this answered all your questions.
HI Blondie yes I am on a similar regime 50mg x2 Fecinide andNebivolol 2.5mgx1 per day I had 2 ablations last year neither worked been offered a third but I am having abreak from the ectopics so am able to get on with life I certainly couldnt before as I also had the ectopics 24/7 , hope it settles soon let me know how you get on. Regards Ingrid
What's yr left atrium size.
An enlarged left atrium say 5.0 or higherusually means Ablation will fail n AF Will recur.