Does sotalol csuse tiredness? I take 80mg 2x daily and am continually tired
Sotalol: Does sotalol csuse tiredness... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Don't know Smorgan, it's not recommended in the UK so we don't hear much about it....sorry
Yes, it can make you feel tired. I would get your blood pressure checked to make sure that it's not making it go down too low (drinking more water can bring it up). It used to make me feel spaced out when I took it many years ago as a pill-in-the-pocket. When I was prescribed it two years ago instead of Flecainide it did nothing to help, so I went back on the Flec. Have a word with your GP and see what he advises.
Yes it does. I'm now on 120mg twice a day and I'm still getting breakthroughs on that. Hopefully my next ablations (AFib And aflutter) will fix things.
Sotalol made me very tired, as did flecainide and metroprolol. They all lower your blood pressure, and that makes you have less get up and go.
I was on lower doses than yours, and after 2 years on medicines I had an ablation. Afterwards the electrophysiologist wanted me to stop all meds. I then developed high blood pressure as a rebound effect. I’m now on a small dose once daily, and my blood pressure is slowly coming down.
I’m happy to say I haven’t had aFib since the surgery in January, so overall it was successful.
Good luck.

It is used in the uk,used to be first choice, or it was 18 years ago when my af started
Just heard about MUTTAQ. Friend is taking 400 mg BID and no side effects. It's new but expensive.
Hi - I have taken 80mg Sotalol twice a day for many years with no ill effects, in fact it helped a lot in reducing nerves when I used to sing with a choir!