Does anybody on here have IBS along w... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Does anybody on here have IBS along with Afib? Or have IBS- like symptoms?

Oh yes. I had Ulcerative Colitis from my teens. Gut problems are linked to a huge number of illnesses. I now have it more or less under control - until I need antibiotics - and then always back to square one. I can now control symptoms with diet and water kefir etc
Yes all linked to and from the gut. When I get an ''attack'' first signs are upset stomach and nausea. Quickly followed by all the usual suspects, aches, breathless, extreme tiredness then flu like symptoms. Disappears until the next bout. Just love it!!
Yes I have both. Oh the joy! X
Hi Gwersey,
I was diagnosed with paroxysmal AF in Jan 2010. By the early part of 2011 I identified the onset of an AF event with food I'd eaten. My symptoms were massive, massive and painful bloating, wind, diarrhea, burping and lower intestinal gurgling. The bloating was the worst and at times I could see my gut inflate as if I were blowing up my car tyres in a garage.
Saw my GP who had some bloods done for Coeliac Disease and IBS. While they came back all clear he said he thought I could still be marginally IBS. He offered more tests and I declined. Instead I consulted a Nutritionist. she did some basic tests and found my gut flora was an issue and immediately prescribed a course of Probiotics and changing my diet. I went Gluten free, wheat free and oats free, since then I've gone added sugar free. My 'new' diet has expanded now to exclude many, many things.As a result of all this (and still very much a work in progress) I've only had one AF event in 3 and half years. That lasted about 5 hours and I returned to NSR by myself but it was not caused by food but by sleeping - lying on my left side.
Its all about a dysfunctional Vagal Nerve, a major nerve that acts like an information superhighway between the brain, heart and digestive system.

Thanks for your informative reply carneuny. You've given me food for thought(no pun intended). I am Irish and I believe a lot of my countrymen have Coeliac disease. It's a Northern Hemisphere thing I believe. I'll mention it to my GP when I see him in July.
Yes,and my first ,identified,bout of AF was when I was hospitalised with nirovirus.
I suspect I may have vagal nerve related AF,as well as IBS.I mostly control with diet but not always successful.I get very very bloated,can put on half a stone in a week,then have the usual ibs symptoms,and often triggering AF!
Hi Gwersey I have IBS for which I used to take Buscopan which helped.
Strangely since my P-AF became much worse about 18 months ago and I got a diagnosis and made lifestyle changes including to what and when I eat, I haven't had any tummy problems with the exception on a bout of Norovirus.
My diet is now of small meals of veg/fruit/nuts/fish//pulses/grains very little meat, no alcohol or processed food. I make my own bread with stone ground wholemeal flour and have organic jumbo porridge oats for breakfast. It looks like my IBS may have been due to a food intolerance.
Thanks doodle68 for your reply. Interesting!! My husband is Italian and we have a pretty healthy diet, although there is lots of pasta/rice involved in our meals. I wonder if that's not such a good thing? It's never bothered my tummy in 25 years. Only since the onset of Afib.
Yep. Pretty severe for me and debilitating. After gall bladder removal over 12 years ago. Interesting question.
I have diarrhea every day usually twice every morning sometimes more often. I have permanent AFib but symptoms controlled by digoxin. Cardizem and Xarelto. I have tried modifying my diet a lot but often have bloating too but no nausea. I feel the diarrhea is a side effect of digoxin as google says this is a common side effect. Does anyone else experience diarrhea with digoxin? I have had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and no findings except mild microscopic colitis , but seeing the gastro specialist again soon.
My mother - Age 92 - was on digoxin for 5 yrs, but her cardio/EP took her off it about a year ago. She has had IBS symptoms for MANY years prior to the digoxin, during the digoxin and even now - a year after removing the digoxin. It is ever on-going and we usually don’t go anywhere until after 11 am because of it. If we are to go someplace for the day, she has to prepare herself days ahead of time. Like NO fruits, veggies, salads. She takes Imodium so we don’t have to make frequent bathroom stops. She will not deprive herself of any of the food groups (except if we need to go someplace for the day), so it’s difficult to know what it’s all about - so we just call it IBS symptoms and she lives with it. She has afib almost every day now.
My hubby has afib - but more controlled and he has IBS symptoms. He can’t have veggies or salads and rarely eats fruit. But he was never properly diagnosed. So he - like my mother - is his own doctor and I am the observer of all this self-diagnosing!
My daughter has colitis - no heart problems. She has Rheumatoid arthritis and the colitis goes hand in hand with the RA. I only bring this up because she is on Humira for both and the Humira works wonders for the colitis and the RA. My point is that there is medication out there if properly diagnosed. Before the Humira, my daughter took a drug called Lilida. (Sp). That drug was great for her symptoms of colitis - that were similar to IBS symptoms.
I have Crohns and IBS which fortunately is in remission at present, not much fun when they kick off though lol.
Yes! Normally, I have a normally functioning gut. But when I get a AF attack, I can’t even call the paramedics to get me as I can’t get off the toilet long enough! Everything goes into overdrive. Thanks for the question- I’ve always wondered why this happens.
I have PAF and IBS.
yes I have IBS I am now on the Fodmap diet it seems to work it is quite simple when you get used to it I have now got a good idea what foods upset my digestion my doctor recommended it I was also referred to a dietician by my doctor she gave me lots of advice
I have had this for ten years but this diet seems to be helping you get the odd blip but life is never straightforward it is on the internet if you want to look it up well worth it.
Good luck
Yes - My 92 yr old mother has paroxysmal AF and IBS symptoms. She has bowel problems every morning. Sometimes she has to take Imodium to calm things down. She eats a good diet, and has tried to pinpoint the cause, but to no avail. She just lives with it. She doesn’t want any exploratory tests at this age. This has been going on for years. She seems healthy otherwise.
Hi nymina01
I have similar problems and have permanent AF and am 78. What medications does your mother take ?
I am still trying to find out why this is happening as it makes long day trips difficult so often take Imodium too
She takes Eliquis, metoprolol, Lipitor, magnesium, lyvoxothyroxine and Lasix. She also has a pacemaker. Her cardio/EP took her off tikosyn and digoxin a year ago. But that didn’t help her IBS symptoms. We wondered if she just has IBS. My daughter has colitis.
My mother (97 in September) has asymptomatic AF but her whole digestive system gives her many more problems. I never connected the two, and thought her IBS was due to her age. Like your Mum she isn't interested in having any tests and just modifies her diet, but it doesn't take much to upset her stomach these days. The latest was soup my sister made for her, high tomato content which has never upset her in the past but now does. But my mother just lives with it too, and is ever-cheerful.
It seems to me there is a strong connection between the two conditions, judging by the number of replies to my query.