Hi I have Af.Doctor at my hospital rang me with results of heart scan and 24 hourly monitoring. I am still waiting to get hospital appointment. It has been 3 weeks now and apparently their system has been upgraded and there is a back log .Haven't been told much about AF Hope to when I go back Can any of you out there help with every day life and capabilities Need my confidence back as have not been out properly in months or been to work .Thank you in advance
Information : Hi I have Af.Doctor at my... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Hi Vonnie and welcome, not that you want to be here I would imagine.
May I suggest that you go to the AFA website where you will find lots of information - read and research and then post any specific questions. We have a very supportive and informed lot here and there will usually be someone around to help. Most of us are patients like yourself but there are some medics who lurk and occasionally will input.
May I suggest that with a confirmed diagnosis then the next step would be to research a specialist - for AF that would an Electrophysiologist and you will find a list on the AFA website.
I do know that waiting lists are often long - about 18 weeks in my area currently so many of us have sought private appointments - just for that initial assessment and treatment options. Cost - circa £150-300.
The good news is that AF is considered a chronic condition requiring management, rather than an acute (urgent) condition. The bad news about that is that it doesn’t stop the worry - that is usually the main thing - something wrong with your heart - going to die - write the will. And not joking - many of us did just that!
The initial shock takes a while to get over but once you have, are able to get a sensible treatment plan - which may and should include looking at lifestyle changes - you can learn to get on with your life.
Read through the posts - you will learn a lot.
Post any questions.
Take some deep, slow breaths and know you can live well with AF, although for some of us it can be life changing and not always for the worse!
Best wishes CD.
PS - I’ve had AF episodes in the strangest of places - 12 years of it - and I’m still here!
Hi Vonnie welcome to the club ...
The first rule of being diagnosed with AF is try not to stress about it, doing so can make you feel worse .
Most of us know that feeling of 'diagnosis panic' , thinking we will keel over at any moment and life will never be the same but once you get used to the fact you have AF it really isn't that bad and life goes on much as it has always done .
I see from an earlier post that you are on an anticoagulant Apixaban (me too) so now have a degree of protection that is the main thing. Don't worry too much about waiting for a hospital appointment , if the scan had revealed anything serious I think you would be notified quite quickly.
Vonnie I am posting a link to a series of videos about AF made by Dr Sanjay Gupta they helped me considerably to understand my condition I hope they are of help to you too...
That's terrible, is it because of the symptoms or the anxiety that you've been so limited?
CDreamer has given good advice so all I can add is that I felt the same at first but now I am a bit too complacent at times and had to have a little ticking off from my GP!
I know it is very frustrating waiting for an appointment but often if there is any urgency you will be on the cancellation list (worth asking if not) and times given are often worst likely. I got to see my cardiologist very quickly through a cancellation and the six week wait for a monitor has miraculously shortened to two - that is because I may need a pacemaker and that is urgent whereas AF is generally only urgent to the poor patient!
Best wishes, I hope AF is your only problem because in the short term it is really much less serious than other heart issues, and I hope your treatment is effective.
Welcome, vonnieruth
I can’t add anything useful to the excellent and helpful posts you’ve already had, but I just wanted to add my welcome and my agreement with all that’s been said.
Best wishes - and it really does get better from here, truly. X
I told you that you would get lots of advice!! Take care .......