I had the procedure 6 days ago and was given the advice that I would take 3 or 4 days to recover. NO WAY! I feel really terrible. Just putting my socks on left me shattered and all I am fit for is sitting slumped in an armchair. I have been reading the posts on this site and realise I am not an unusual case. I wish I had been warned. I am 78 and have been pushing myself to do things I shouldn’t.
Life after atrial flutter ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...
Life after atrial flutter ablation

Horrible shock, I know. Still a mystery why they tell you the fairy story about recovery. I guess they want people to try to get back to normal but 'normal' means different things to different people!
We had one follower who was very upset because she could only manage 5000 steps a day instead of 10000 soon after the ablation. As I struggle with 2000 steps I was quite envious.....
Sounds par for the course...... listen to your body and do what it wants - not what your mind thinks it should be able to do - or what your doctor says you can do.
As you will see, many, many people are led to believe you can return to normal life a few days later - wonder how many of them have experienced ablation ?

This is so annoying that [people are still given this advice.
It is simply not realistic and makes people feel so inadequate ! Rest plenty as it will take up to three months or more for full recovery. Listen to your body and don't abuse it by over doing things.
It gets better. We all share your pain, Most of us have all been there and back. Some considerably more than once!
I had to stay in for a week after mine, I was going stir crazy. Take it easy, relax and youll soon feel better
Had mine done just over a week ago, first week I did absolutely nothing and I'm not doing much more this week,
I too feel tired got a bit of a bad back and still a bit sore and ache around the groin, and a few visual disturbance but it comes with the territory, as I've read on here to fully recover it can take months, I deferred my gym membership for 2 months so I don't expect any quick fixes, I'm 65 by the way
Hi the Nurses are usually more realistic all I can say is REST REST REST until you feel you can move on and then small steps. I’m 58 had my ablation 3 years ago and thought they had done something wrong I felt awful for weeks and not fully cured for 4 months,that’s when the erratic heartbeats missed beats and ectopics calmed down (still get ectopics but OK with them now) I’m now running regularly 3 to 10 Miles 3 to 5 times a week and working shifts. The consultants just mean that the artery they went in through will be OK in 3 or 4 days and are a bit reluctant to mention that for you to start feeling better the scar has to form. I had an erratic heartbeat between 28 and 108 at rest for over a month which leaves you breathless feint and lethargic
Try a heart monitor and you’ll see for yourself. And a little trick for a few weeks on if the pulse is too low a couple of sharp coughs usually puts it right back on track!
We are however all different to keep in touch with the arrithmia nurses and be guided by them if you get worried they know their stuff! Good luck. Chin up and I hope your Ablation was a resounding success
Sorry you feel so unwell: the wait and expectation that the op will cure you doesn't help either, but I'd like to know what medication they've put you on (or come off) and wonder whether that's playing a part.
Best wishes
Well, after the procedure they sent me home with no additional medication but to continue with the bisoprolal which is a huge disappointment because the reason I agreed to ablation was to discontinue that drug which was causing me so many side effects. I am seriously thinking of taking the matter into my own hands and start waning myself off them! Otherwise how am I to know whether the procedure was successful or not? I wasn’t given the chance to discuss the matter.
That's very interesting. I had a 'failed' ablation as the Consultant couldn't identify where the problem lay. I then had a terrible couple of years on a combination of Flecainide & Bisoprolol during which time I got worse and worse with dizziness, varying heart rate & BP and eventually went to the private sector. Still don't know whether it was the meds or not.
However please don't stop the Bisoprolol without medical advice. What dose are you on? I'm on 1.25mg which although low still I think has side effects but I can live with them most days.
I am on 2.5mg twice a day. Seems a lot to me, but what do I know?
Blimey - so what does that bring your heart rate and BP down to?
Heart rate around 60 and BP all over the place! Spoke to the Arrhythmia nurse who seems to think I can cease the bisoprolol with agreement with GP. It all seems a bit hit and miss!
Even if you have a very good & knowledgeable GP if I were in your shoes I would request the opinion of the EP/Cardiologist: are you still 'on their books'? Otherwise ask your GP to have a conversation with the Cardiologist.
Did the Arrhythmia nurse take your pulse or suggest an ECG to give you some reassurance, if nothing else?
I can say that I hope you feel much better soon. It does sound awful and the medical team really ought to give realistic advice. Look after yourself and try to rest and relax as much as you can. Best wishes .
It takes 6 months for the scar tissue to form completely on the heart. That is what blocks the electrical impulses that cause a fib. Give it time.
2nd ablation for me, my Dr says up to 5 weeks to fully recover...
I couldn’t agree with you more. My husband had one in October last year and it took him at least 3 months. His cardiologist at Papworth said he would need maybe a couple of weeks and that people go back to work after a week !!!! My husband is retired so it doesn’t matter but it certainly takes longer than they suggest
Reading older posts- So how are you doing now?