Further to Krissybee's recent post, being new to this, I was curious about "episodes" or attacks when in permanent AF.
My heartbeat has been irregular permanently since being first diagnosed in early August. On meds since then but no problems apart from an occasional palpitation or a series of palpitations. Also experiencing mild tiredness and some breathlessness when exerting myself, (both of which rightly or wrongly I have attributed to the Beta Blockers). Apart from what I have mentioned above I have had no other symptoms of "episodes" or "attacks"
So my question for those of us in permanent AF is does this mean constant irregular heartbeat only or can I still expect an attack or an episode on top of being permanently in AF? Also for people whose AF comes and goes (PAF?), are you on medication permanently or do you only take medication when you have an AF attack/episode? Would you describe an attack or an episode as something worse than I have experienced so far?
Many thanks