This thing is hitting me way harder than I expected.
I haven't been in AF for 6 days, but the last 3 days I've been getting lightheaded and tingling down my arms and into my little fingers (normally after I've been on my feet for 20 minutes). Some hours later I get hit by a powerful head rush. Not enough to make me fall over or crash the car, but enough to scare me every time.
These physical symptoms are brining out an anxiety and paranoia that I have never experienced before. How can this be happening to me when I'm in NSR? (plenty of PACs and PVCs but definitely not AF). If I was in AF and feeling this then that would be fine.
I just don't understand why I'm feeling so rubbish when my heart is in rhythm.
Really interested if anyone else has felt tingling in their arms and fingers.
Im thinking one or more of the following;
Vagus nerve aggravation
Side effects to Apixaban
I don't think it's the latter - I don't have any other stroke symptoms.
Tonight my heart is firing with more ectopic beats than normal beats.
I'm in a bit of a state