Dear Afibbers,
I'm writing this post to try to get feel for the experiences of others who have been in a similar situation to me.
I first experienced episodes of raised and erratic heartbeats in 2010, at that time the episodes would be probably once a month, and would last up to 48 hours. Laying on my left side seemed to be a trigger at that time. I attempted to get medical advice at the time but by the time I got an appointment with the GP the episode had passed. The episodes continued until 2013 again at that time I had tried to get medical advice but when seeing the GP the episode had passed. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and decided to loose weight, I lost 5 stone in weight by changing my diet and taking up running. The type 2 diabetes symptoms reversed, and the episodes of palpitations went away for some time. In 2016 I increased my training and the episodes of irregular heart rate returned. Although at this time they were much less noticeable, and did not make me feel particularly unwell. In 2017 I began training for a marathon and in January the irregular heart beat became persistent. At the start of March after sometime hoping that the problem would go away I saw my GP and was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation. Although in my case my heart rate was not particularly high at around 80 or so bpm.
In May I was cardioverted by electric shock, but this was successful for only 4 days. In June I had a second cardioversion this time supported by 50 mg Flecainide twice a day and have been free from AF for 10 days.
My question is now that I am free from AF should I consider discontinuing the Flecainide in a few months time, to see if I can maintain sinus rhythm? I have eased of the training and given up alcohol completely. Does anybody have experience of being able to stay AF free long term after a successful drug assisted cardioversion without Flecainide?
I am 40 and I am not keen on the idea of spending the rest of my life on these drugs, I would quite like to try discontinuing the Flec at some point to see what happens.
Any comments welcome.