Hi all,
The subject arises occasionally on how much things cost if you go private. I'm lucky to have private health care through work so after checking statements for the year I thought I would share the costs. Please I am not saying these are definitive just examples of what my insurance company have been charged for my appointments.
£170 to see the consultant
£81.88 ECG
£1400 for the consultant to perform the ablation
Between £5k and £7k in theatre charges
£550 Anaesthetic
Plus hospital fees which depends how long you stay in etc
48 hour monitor
Plus consultants fee when you go back for the results
Cardio version
£1227.50 (this figure is made up of a few charges including consultant and theatre charges)
£361 anaesthetic
Plus hospital fees depending how long you stay in etc
Like I said just trying to provide example costs for those interested.