sorry this is a personal one. I take bisoprolol and a apixaban. Yesterday I noticed blood in my semen. It was quite a lot and red not brown. I've never had this before. I have no pain anywhere. I wondered if it could be because of the medication.
Men only,blood were blood shouldn't be - Atrial Fibrillati...
Men only,blood were blood shouldn't be

that should be where not were
Not heard of that before. Trip to doctors needed I would say. Good luck.
Google says... "usually blood in the semen is benign and resolves on its own" - so no panic yet, but get it checked by a doctor and let us know what they find! Your idea that apixaban is a co-factor makes sense.

Paul go see your doctor as soon as possible and get checked out. This is not a good sign even allowing for the anticoagulant and MUST be investigated. Prostate cancer is biggest killer of men over 50 but I'm proof that you can move on happily .
It doesn't usually represent anything serious and is not uncommon, but you should get a PSA and rectal examination if you are aged over 50
Ladies - fingers in ears and cover your eyes, as Trump would say "This is locker room banter".
Paul, you must get this checked out as a matter of urgency, but there is a good chance it is nothing serious. As I'm sure you know, the penis contains thousands of blood vessels which literally burst into action during the arousal process. It is not uncommon for one of those vessels to rupture, hence the blood in semen. If there are no obvious signs of blood in your urine, then this is a good sign because obviously the 2 "items" start their journey from a different place. Also, any anti-coagulant will aggravate the situation.
That said, you MUST have it checked out urgently.
Hope this helps, John
I don't really want to be involved in this, but I can fully understand why anyone who has experienced the trauma and anxiety of having cancer, would want to encourage others to do the sensible thing so that they too, could avoid facing the ultimate result which is likely to happen if they don't!

Sorry only reporting what was on TV last week. Just goes to show.
There is no blood in my urine, I'll be calling my doctor for an appointment.
While the fine detail might not be 100% accurate the general message conveyed by this post is in no way misleading.
It needs a GP visit but don't worry too much, its a shock I know but mine was as FlapJack suggests just a small blood vessel that had leaked a bit, cleared up itself. Good Luck!
Why is it, that the post which you are told not to look at, is the one you check first? 😂
Been there, done that. First, you need to get it checked out. It could well be a urinary tract infection (UTI). They can be drug resistant and recurrent. Mine wasn't helped when the prescribed dose was for a woman! Dosages can also be weight dependant. You may have to have a cystoscopy - I had one after thrombolysis - and that made it worse.
The other stat is that more men die with prostate cancer than from it.
It is possible that Paul had a burst blood vessel.
The only time I had blood in my semen it was dark old blood in the weeks after one prostate biopsy.
I'm booked in for a prostate blood test and follow up meeting. The doctor was a bit stumped as to what else it could be.
I had the blood test and that came back ok. The doctor did a physical examination and that was ok as well but he is still concerned so has arranged for me to see a specialist. The earliest appointment is mid January. However the blood has gone so I'm hoping it was something simple.