Pusle_Smart: I saw this on Medscape... - Atrial Fibrillati...

Atrial Fibrillation Support

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4 Replies

I saw this on Medscape site. It is apparently better than AliveCor but I could not find the app on Google Play. Maybe it has not been released yet.

Below is the conclusion reached in the Medscape article:

In this novel analysis of 219 pulse waveform recordings, we show that we have developed an app capable of transforming a smartphone into a device capable of screening for AF in real-time in a cohort with a diverse array of benign arrhythmias likely to cause false positives using preexisting systems. We have also demonstrated that our app running on "out-of-the-box" hardware is highly acceptable to older users. To our knowledge, no existing smartphone-based app for AF detection uses the combination of pattern recognition, computational speed, and robust noise cancellation routines that our app employs while requiring no additional hardware (i.e., special phone case or Bluetooth sensor). On this basis, we believe PULSE-SMART represents an exciting new platform to enhance AF screening. Plans for future development include an open trial and formative qualitative work with older users so that the app and its interfaces meet their needs.


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EngMac profile image
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4 Replies
Drounding profile image

Smart Pulse is available but is an optical device that works on Bluetooth. Sounds like Pulse-Smart may be something else not yet released.

Do you have a link to details?

CDreamer profile image

The tone of the article sounds very much like advertising editorial?

dave205 profile image

Here is the link to PULSE-SMART on Google Play.


EngMac profile image

I don't t think Smart Pulse and Pulse-Smart are the same device. The link on Medscape is: medscape.com/viewarticle/85...

You will need to register to see the abstract. They will not send you spam and you will find many articles that could be of interest. You can ask to be notified about AF articles. I have done this.

Below is the first part of the article. Maybe this will help people understand what was attempted without needing to log into Medscape.


Automated Arrhythmia Discrimination Using a Smartphone.

Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common and dangerous rhythm abnormality. Smartphones are increasingly used for mobile health applications by older patients at risk for AF and may be useful for AF screening.

Objectives: To test whether an enhanced smartphone app for AF detection can discriminate between sinus rhythm (SR), AF, premature atrial contractions (PACs), and premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).

Methods: We analyzed two hundred and nineteen 2-minute pulse recordings from 121 participants with AF(n=98),PACs (n=15), orPVCs(n=15) using an iPhone 4S. We obtained pulsatile time series recordings in 91 participants after successful cardioversion to sinus rhythm from preexisting AF. The PULSE-SMART app conducted pulse analysis using 3 methods (Root Mean Square of Successive RR Differences; Shannon Entropy; Poincare plot). We examined the sensitivity, specificity, and predictive accuracy of the app for AF, PAC, and PVC discrimination from sinus rhythm using the 12-lead EKG or 3-lead telemetry as the gold standard. We also administered a brief usability questionnaire to a subgroup (n = 65) of app users.

Results: The smartphone-based app demonstrated excellent sensitivity (0.970), specificity (0.935), and accuracy (0.951) for real-time identification of an irregular pulse during AF. The app also showed good accuracy for PAC (0.955) and PVC discrimination (0.960). The vast majority of surveyed app users (83%) reported that it was "useful" and "not complex" to use.

Conclusion: A smartphone app can accurately discriminate pulse recordings during AF from sinus rhythm, PACs, and PVCs.

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